The Return

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Rose pov

It's been a really long time since they got out of the place, I'm starting to get worried.

"Rose stay here, I'll go check what's happening ok?" Hawk ordered
"Ok" I said

He left me with the guards and after sometime the kidnaper appeared with Hawk's wand in her hand.

"What did you do to him!?" I asked suprised
"Well that little Snow White is really hard to fight and he's also really powerful but luckily I defeated him and I also got his wand" The kidnaper said tossing the wand up and down
"Princess, get behind us" the guard said
"Oh no no no, I will take her and no one will stop me!" The kidnaper said

The kidnaper cast some spells to the guards that makes them feel asleep.

"They didn't even gave a fight unlike that Snow White" the kidnaper said stepping on a guard with one foot
"Now... You are mine" The kidnaper said
"Glass magic!" Someone said

The kidnaper was surrounded by glass and I saw my cousins.

"Prima! are you ok?" Rosetta asked worried
"I'm fine" I said

Roman helped me standing up and they hugged me.

"Guys I need you two's help, my friends are inside there unconscious!" I said
"We will help you" Roman said

I nodded and they followed me to the place where my friends were. When we arrived there the team was trying to wake up Hawk.

"Hawk wake up!" Travis said in tears
"What happened?" I asked
"Hawk won't wake up" Joy explained

I quickly ran to him and hugged him with sad tears.

"Rosetta, didn't Abuelo teached you about medical things?" Roman asked
"He did" Rosetta said
"Alright I'll try" Rosetta said

Rosetta walked up to him and grab his wrist. Then she listened to Hawk's breathing.

"No worries, he's just unconscious" Rosetta said
"Travis can you carry him to Rose's room?" Rosetta asked
"Sure" Travis said

Travis picked up Hawk on his back then I followed them to my room. Travis carefully layed Hawk on my bed. Then minutes later he opened his eyes.

"Hawk!" I said crying in happiness
"What happened?" Hawk said scratching his head.
"It's nothing bud" Travis said

(Fast forward) The next day

I woke up in a whole different room and it feels like I'm in the right place. Then the maids opened the door and they fixed my hair, dressed me up and touched up my makeup.

"Whoa whoa slow down" I said
"Can I have like my old clothes?" I asked
"Ofc princess" The maids said

They dressed me up on my old clothes then I walked out of my room and heading towards the Gate when someone stopped me.

"And where do you think your going?" Sir Leo said
"Uhh to Regal Academy?" I answered
"Oh no no, you will have Princess lessons not those fighting things. A Princess should be elegant and perfect and not wearing those clothes" Sir Leo said
"But my friends are in Regal Academy" I said sadly
"My Dear you don't need friends, friends will always be a distraction with ruling the kingdom especially that your an only child" Sir Leo said
"I'm just  16! I'm too young to rule" I said angerly
"That's why when your 20 you'll be the Queen and since you're gone for a long time you must forgot every lesson you learned" Sir Leo said
"Now go up to your room" Sir Leo said

"Ugh! It's so annoying why can't I be with my friends, their the ones who saved me and now their a distraction!?" I said to my mind

I walked up to my room and looking out the window. Then a White Bird flew to my finger and it's holding a note. It's from Hawk!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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