Welcome Princess ???

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Rose pov

I woke up and fix myself while the animals help me. Then after I'm done my cousins waited for me in the door. We reached Regal Academy and saw the team.

"Come on guys" Astoria said

The team followed Astoria to the lecture hall and we sat on our seats.

"Everyone can I get your attention" Granny said clapping her hands
"Today there is no classes" Granny said
"What!?" Astoria yelled while her hair scattered around
"Calm down Astoria" Shawn said

Astoria took a deep breath and Granny continued

"We are invited to the Fairytale Palace or Angbotain. Does anyone know what that name means?" Granny said
"Terrain of the Angels ofc" I said proudly

Then everyone suddenly turned to me like I said something forbidden.

"What? It's true" I said
"Yes dear, it's Terrain of the Angles" Granny said breaking up the awkwardness
"Now everyone please go to the potion class and after that, follow Dr. Le frog outside" Granny said

After the potion class we are assigned to follow Dr. Le frog towards the Gate and everyone followed. We ride our dragons and we got lost because of a storm, everyone was panicking.

"Everyone calm down" Dr. Le frog said
"I know the way!" I said
"How?" Hawk asked
"Just follow me" I said
"Ugh I won't follow her she's just a crazy girl that doesn't know what she's doing" a girl said
"Hey don't be rude" Roman said
"Lead the way Prima" Rosetta said

I nodded then I started walking and all of them followed then after some walking we reached a massive gate.

"No way, the Palace's gate!" Dr. Le frog said
"Good job Prima!" Roman and Rosetta said
"We can't go in, it's locked" Travis said while trying to bust the gate open
"Uhh Travis hold on, I think I have the key" I said

I walked up to the gate while Travis backed away. I hold my hand out and the key appeared and I unlocked the gate. All of them were shocked including my cousins.

"Rose... How did you do that?" Lingling asked
"I don't know but I feel like I've done it before" I said
"Well follow me students" Dr. Le frog said

We followed Dr. Le frog and it lead us to the Palace and the place is full of maids and guards that are bowing.

"Ah hello there" Someone said
"Hello Sir Leonard" Dr. Le frog said
"So this is your class?" Sir Leo said
"Yes yes" Dr. Le frog said
"Well all of you come with me and I'll teach you all the history of this place and the ones who live here" Sir Leo said
"Is it the King and Queen?" Cyrus asked
"Yes, they are the most amazing people in all history but unfortunately someone killed them and we are still finding the heir of the throne which is Princess Rose" He said
"Rose?" Hawk asked
"Yes" Sir Leo said
"Do you perhaps know her?" Sir Leo asked
"Ahem" Travis coughed
"I'm Rose but I just think that it's a coincidence" I said
"Oh yes you look like her a lot" Sir Leo said shocked
"Well time for the tour" Sir Leo said

He toured us the whole palace and I'm just pulling some switches that activates some kind of trap and the maids, my team, cousins, the students and Sir Leo were shocked.

"Rose, how do you know those? Only the Royal Family know those" Sir Leo asked
"Uhh I have no idea..." I said
"Well I'm gonna ask you one question that only the Royal Family knows" Sir Leo said
"What. Is. The. Code. For. The. Enchanted. Lake." He said carefully
"Oh it's easy!" I said

Then while I'm near the end, the room starts to turn into a lake and Sir Leo was crying in tears and hugged me.

"Princess!" Sir Leo said

Then he bowed down then the others followed.

"Wha- what?" I asked confused
"Say "In the order of my love ones I will fullfil my journey as the new Ruler of Fairytale land and will be titled Crown Princess Rose Fairytale" He said
"In the order of my love ones I will fullfil my journey as the new Ruler of Fairytale land and will be titled Crown Princess Rose Fairytale" I said

Then I'm getting lifted up in the air and I started transforming. My clothes changed into a dress, some leaves transformed into a tiara and placed on my head then I got a special wand that is only exclusive for the Royal Family.

"Whoa" I said
"You look beautiful Prima!" Rosetta said
"We will have a ball tonight in the honor of Princess Rose's return!" Sir Leo said happily

Then after sometime the team followed me to my real bedroom and it was massive, bigger than my bedroom in the Cinderella Castle.

"I can't believe your the lost Princess!" Joy excitedly said
"I know" I said
"So Hawk is gonna be a prince?" Rosetta asked
"What for" Travis asked
"Well Hawk is Rose's girl-" Rosetta said
"We are not dating!" Me and Hawk said in unison while blushing

The team laughed then we talked a little bit. We were called for the ball and we danced our hearts out, well only the team not me. I just sit on a throne and it was boring then Hawk offered me a dance and I agreed.

"Hey you two, have you seen Lingling anywhere?" Travis asked
"No but I'll try to find her" I said
"Thanks Rose" Travis said

I nodded and I looked for Lingling in the entire castle then I saw a path of flowers. Then someone grab me on the mouth and when I saw her/his face I recognize her. It was the kidnaper!

"Let me go!" I said
"No you will not escape from me ever again!" The kidnaper said
"Ice magic!" Hawk said
"Rose are you ok?" Hawk ran towards me
"Rose!" Lingling yelled
"Step away from my friend" Lingling said
"Oh my dear would you hurt an old woman like me?" The kidnaper said
"Everyone get away from her!" Astoria yelled
"We meet again... Great grandma" Astoria said
"Oh Astoria My dear" The kidnaper said
"Your Great Grandma is my kidnaper?" I asked
"Ad I thought" Astoria said
"Hawk, get her to safety" Astoria ordered

Hawk nodded and he grab my hand and we ran away.

"Oh you will never escape from me again!" The kidnaper said

The kidnaper pointed her wand at me but Hawk grab me quick enough that I dodged the attack.

"Come on Rose, let's go" Hawk said

I nodded and we ran of till we reached the party and I told that guards what happened then they went to the place quickly.

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