Author's Note

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My cousin Audrina is my biggest inspiration for this story. When I learned about her TTP diagnosis, I dedicated myself to learning more about TTP and trying to teach others about it. I signed up to volunteer with the Answering TTP Foundation in order to somehow raise awareness for this rare disease. We decided that I could write a story. I wanted to mix parts of Audrina's life with my own fiction and Maria Paz Gonzalez (named after our beloved Nana) was born. Ultimately, Audrina's story is one that is bigger and greater than anything I could ever write. She's a warrior, someone who had every odd against her, fought and won. Without Audrina, this story wouldn't exist.

I wanted to also acknowledge a few more people:

Thank you to anyone who read and followed Maria's story, week after week. This was my first venture into fiction writing, It was a fun and scary learning experience for me. Thanks for sticking it out with me!

A huge thanks to Taryn, the Charitable Programs Director with the Answering TTP Foundation, who worked tirelessly with me every week on this project.

For any of my family and friends who read my story - if you made it this far, consider yourself my favorite! J

And finally, thank you to the real life Micah, my son, who makes me happier than I ever thought I deserved.

~ Laura

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