Chapter 8: Butterflies

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I woke up pretty early that morning.

It appears that Cashier hadn't, though. Checking above me, he's still asleep on his side. Well then, I'll need to be careful to not wake him up. I tiptoed off the bed and took a look around. There is a desk with some figurines, a closet with no clothes, an empty display case and a beanbag. The time is shown on the clock above the aforementioned display case; 3 AM. Wait, 3 AM?

I checked the window. Awfully sunny for 3 AM. Maybe the clock is just wrong. Stepping outside, there are lots of doors. So many that it'd probably be redundant to look inside of them all. The living room is detailed, but the main thing that catches my eye is a piano. Does Cashier or Dummy play the piano?

Hm, well, Cashier IS asleep, and it may take some time for him to wake up. Wouldn't hurt to make breakfast for the two of us, would it? I check the kitchen to be greeted with lots of ingredients. I mean, it makes sense. As a cashier, he does have access to the one place with food all the time, not only that but he may have the ability to make things as well.

After looking at my choices, I settle on pancakes. While I make them, I remember what he told me yesterday. He wanted me to call him Orion. Like the constellation? If so, the name suits him; a guy with eyes as bright as the stars themselves. I smile a bit as I flip the first pancake.

Who said that the first pancake was always a failure? Because my dear, were they right. Geez.

It didn't take long for me to finish up the batter, and they look great! Now to wait for Orion to wake u- "Oh, hey Y/N. Quite an early bird, aren't ya?" My heart skips a beat after hearing his morning voice behind me. I notice him propped up against the wall, giving a small, tired smile. What is this feeling?

"Yeah, figured you wouldn't be up for a while, so I just made breakfast as I waited." I explain as I set the plates down. He sits down across from me, putting his head on his arms. A/N: If you guys know Monika from DDLC, you can vision it like that. "Thanks, Y/N. So, how'd ya sleep?" He gives me a warm smile. I feel uneasy from the butterflies in my stomach. Is this love, or is it something telling me to run?

"I don't think I really dreamt of anything, but I slept well. Thanks for asking. How did you sleep?" I switch the topic back to him, but immediately regret it. Since he's like, a fictional character and all, there's a good chance he doesn't dream. Or, well, maybe he does. Orion smirks at me. "I slept well. You know, you were in my dream last night." My face flushes a bit. "What?"

"Yeah, we were together in a parallel universe. It wasn't blocky like it is here, but rather there were all kinds of shapes and colors. I think Dummy described it as... 'realistic.'" I nod, understanding what he means. Maybe there are parallel universes, and maybe there actually is someone reading my every move. "We were just hanging out in your room, telling jokes, laughing, happy."

His face turns solemn, but when he meets my eyes his frown turns into a smile. "I mean, hey. Even if I'm wrong. Even if there's no one out there... I'm glad to have you around." I smile at him, regaining the fuzzy feeling from before. Suddenly, my phone rings. It's Dad.

> Dad: Are you still at your boyfriends house?

I notice Orions face turn shocked.

> Y/N: First of all, he's not my boyfriend yet, second of all, yes. I'll be home soon.

> Dad: Alright, if you say so. I'm going out though, so when you come home I may not be there.

I nod as if he can hear me, and after saying our goodbyes, he hung up. I turn back to Orion, who is giving me an insolent smile. "Yet, Y/N? I'm not your boyfriend yet?" I feel my face heat up again. It's not that I don't like him like that, in fact I do. I do a lot. The problem is, he's not meant to know that. I quickly stammer out a response.

"I didn't mean to say that, I mean, uh, even if I did, anything could happen, right? Who knows, maybe we could become a thing later in the future, or maybe we'll just remain friends. I don't know, I don't like you. WAIT- I mean uh, I don't like you like that but you're a good friend, you know?!" He chuckles at my embarrassment. "Whatever you say, Y/N."


Day quickly turned to night as we lost track of time. Orion checked the time on the clock. Even though it still showed 3 am, he figured that it wasn't. "It's getting late. Want me to take you home? Your dad is probably worried." I rolled my eyes knowing that he's probably not, but accept regardless.

"Alright, lets go then."


He dropped me off at the front of my house. "Thanks for spending the day with me, Y/N. It was fun. We should do this sort of thing more often, aha." I blushed a bit before thanking him for the ride, to which he smiled. "Ah, right, before I forget..."

"...Want to exchange numbers?"

Starstruck; Cashier x GN Reader (GASA4)Where stories live. Discover now