Chapter 1: New Town, New Me.

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"New town, new me."

At least, that's what I thought going into this. This place isn't really much of a town, rather it's more of an abandoned area, with only one house to its name. Oh well, the night is still young. We have time to get used to the area. I'm sitting in the passenger seat of my dads van, as he glares at me.

"Well then, Y/N. We've finally made it. This is our new home, whether you like it or not."

I give our house a good look. It's a simple one, that's for sure. Nevertheless, I'm happy. This is a chance to start anew, even if this place is pretty much empty. Wonder if we're the only ones here...

"Stop daydreaming and get to work. We've got plenty to unpack." I jump a bit, startled at the sound of my dads voice. "Alright!" Well, what am I waiting for? I join him at the trunk of the van as I grab some boxes. It's sort of heavy, but nothing I can't handle. I attempt to read the label of the box, the darkness of the night hindering my vision. 'Bathroom Supplies', the box read. Hm, if that's all it is, surprising that it's this heavy.

Arriving to the bathroom, I unpack the box. There's what you'd expect; toilet paper, toothpaste, and A GIANT ASS TOOTHBRUSH??? I call out to the other room.


It didn't take long for him to yell back.


Argh, well, on the bright side, it'll take quite a while for the toothbrush to get old. Now, the only question is, how long is the toothpaste going to last?

Shaking the unneeded thoughts out of my mind, I make my way back to the van. I have a few rounds of packing and unpacking, along with my dad. Suddenly, on my way to get the last box, I hear a sound.


I take a quick look around me. No one appears to be there, but I get the aching feeling that I'm being watched. Out of nowhere, I hear footsteps in the grass, and a shadow figure running towards the convienence store. I get chills almost immediately. Who could that possibly be? I need to get back inside.

I quickly grab the last box and make a run for it, slamming the door behind me. "WHAT'S ALL THAT RUCKUS?" my dad bellows. I hear him make his way to the main room. "Dad,youwouldn'tbelieveitIwasgettingthelastbagandsuddenlyIheardanoiseand-" I stammered, in shock of the past events. He rolled his eyes at me. "You and your paranoid behavior... whatever. Get to bed, I'm sleeping in the bathtub"

I couldn't think of a better option. Well then, guess that settles today, now all that's left is to look forward for tomorrow.

Starstruck; Cashier x GN Reader (GASA4)Where stories live. Discover now