Chapter 4

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Lena stays rooted to the bar. She drinks heavily, never once abandoning Kara. Veronica comes and goes, randomly shouting 'time.' She can barely stand watching the men and women all having their turns with Kara. Some care about her pleasure, others are sadists. Thankfully, for both Kara and Lena, Supergirl seems to falling in and out of consciousness. It turns to the very early morning by the time all the payers have their turn. Most trickle out throughout the night after their turn.

Veronica approaches Lena again, "Seems as though you really enjoyed the show. I'm surprised you stayed the whole time."

Lena hums in response. She's a bit tipsy and extremely tired, but she is used to it being a CEO and all. "Well, we said that we would come to an agreement at the end."

"Ah, yes. But surely you don't want her in such a state. She's more fun when she is - fresh."

"Well, that could be solved rather quickly, don't you think? Just get the kryptonite out of her system, let the sun heal her, and make her swallow some more," Lena prods.

This time Veronica hums. "True, but that would be dangerous to let her recharge. I would have to insist that you don't attempt it as part of the agreement to borrow Supergirl for a day."

"Of course, whatever you say. I also wouldn't mind taking her like this. There is something special about seeing her so weak."

Veronica eyes Lena up and down. "Well, same rules as here. No permanent damage. NDA applies, so no telling anyone you have her. No messing with the Kryptonite in her system. Any toys are up for use. Let's say $250,000 for 24 hrs?"

"Deal," Lena immediately shook on it without blinking at the price. She would gladly go bankrupt to get Kara out of there.

After the wire transfer, Lena calls for her driver to drop off her Tesla. On Lena's request, Veronica brings out a blanket to wrap Kara in. Lena internally grimaces when she has to justify it by saying she doesn't want blood or bodily fluids to stain her trunk. She is on edge the entire time with Veronica hovering around her. She limits her direct contact with the Kryptonian. She informs Veronica that she will keep Supergirl in her personal lab in the subbasement at LCorp for maximum security. After all, her lab is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. It takes everything Lena has not to comfort her best friend immediately, and even more to actually close the trunk on her.

"Bring her back in one piece. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Lee. Enjoy." Veronica smirks as she disappears back into the building.

Lena speeds through the streets to rush Kara back to LCorp. While she doesn't think Veronica would suspect anything, Lena decides to err on the side of caution. She doesn't call or text Alex or the DEO anything. She parks in her underground garage, demanding security keeps everyone else out for the next 30 minutes and to turn off the camera feeds. As soon as that is taken care of, she pulls up to the elevator. She throws open the trunk and shakes Kara to see if she will wake.

"Kara. Kara, darling. I need you to get up for me."

Blue eyes peak open, barely registering her environment. She was conscious enough to be slightly less than just dead weight as Lena hauls her out of the trunk to stand. She huddles her to the elevator to go into Lena's private lab. Once in the elevator, Lena tells Hope to alert Jess of her unavailability and instructs her to locate Alex Danvers and inform her in person to come to her lab immediately. Lena wouldn't trust anyone else with finding the Kryptonian's sister.

In the lab, Lena hoists Kara onto a sunbed that she keeps for emergencies. She isn't sure how much it'll help with the kryptonite in her system still, but it definitely couldn't hurt. Lena slowly and carefully unwraps the blanket. She tries to keep herself focused on tending to her wounds. Lena examines the open cuts and wiped off the blood and mystery fluids. After ensuring everything is minor, she takes to scrubbing off the writings all over her body. She puts on cream to help with the bruises and any soreness. She carefully dresses her in some spare LCorp sweats and a tee.

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