Chapter 1

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Lena is pacing in her office. She has been wracking her brain for hours, trying to remember anything vital from her last interaction with her best friend, Kara. Nothing comes to mind. Although, months ago, Kara mentioned something about an underground human trafficking ring that she was investigating. Maybe she was still investigating it. Lena goes over to her phone and calls the one person that would undoubtedly be involved: Veronica Sinclair.

"Lena, it's been too long, my dear. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Veronica, darling. I'm hoping my open invitation to your parties stand?"

"I thought you despised my parties?"

"Well, let's just say my perspective has been changing. I've been pouring over Lex's research and journals, trying to salvage my family's company. I could use some relaxation with the upmost discretion. Where better than your parties?"

"Ah, Lex. I'm so sorry for your loss, Lena. The next party is tomorrow night. I think there is be a guest that hold a special interest to you. You will need to sign an NDA of course, like all the other attendees. I'll have the paperwork couriered to you."

"Of course. Thank you so much Veronica. I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Oh, one last thing. When we are there, please call me Roulette. Anonymity and all that."

Lena immediately calls Alex after her conversation with Veronica. She has a bad feeling with the way Veronica referenced a 'special guest.' Alex argues with Lena for hours about her going alone. Lena explains at length that Veronica will know something is up if she comes with someone. Not to mention that Lena knows the nature of these parties. If Lena's hunch is right, Alex does not need to see what they might be doing to her sister. They agree to meet the next night to get a wire on Lena and prep her to the best of their abilities.

The night of the party, Lena decides to wear her navy blue, pinstriped, three piece suit. She looks powerful, sexy, dangerous. As she applies her blood red lipstick, she hears the buzzer announcing Alex's arrival. She brings a case with high tech equipment.

"You know they likely have jammers and detectors, right?" Lena asks sarcastically.

"We are hoping one of the items will sneak through their systems. I don't want you unprotected on your own," Alex responds.

"Well, if your sister is there, I'll have Supergirl on my side."

"That's if you can free her. And if she isn't there, you are to leave as soon as possible without arising suspicion."

"I know, Alex. I'll do everything I can to save your sister."

"I know you will, Lena. There is no one I trust more."

Alex moves about Lena, planting devices in random locations in her clothing and on her person. She has Lena slip on shoes that have the heels turning into baton tasers. Finally, Lena pulls up her hair into a tight, high pony tail. She takes the stack of paperwork that is the NDA to provide at the event as instructed. Lena and Alex hug briefly, wishing each other luck and agreeing to meet up after to go over everything. Lena gracefully gets into the limo she rented for the evening. She needs to come across as elitist for the night.

Upon pulling up to a mansion, Lena wipes her sweaty palms on her pants and takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. The driver opens her door and offers a hand to help her out. She picks up the documents and struts up to the bouncer guarding the entrance. He has Lena look up at a camera and moves to press and earpiece against his ear. He accepts the documents and provides Lena with a black mask that covers the upper portion of her face. She hastily slips it on and moves into the foyer. That's when the security search starts. They have Lena lock up her phone. They wave a wand over her body. They explain that it will temporarily disable any electronics, for example smart watches, anything with a gps or transmitter, or recording device. After passing through security, Lena moves to the main hall.

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