The Diner Date

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Dipper arrived at the diner and he saw Pacifica waiting for him.Pacifica quickly noticed him and greeted him.



Pacifica:You look really nice.

Dipper:Thanks.You look really great in your dress.

Pacifica:I always did like hot pink.Anyway,
you ready?

Dipper:Yeah.Ladies first?

Dipper asked as he held the door open for Pacifica.

Pacifica:Sure.Thanks Dipper.

When the two were inside,they noticed that there were only a few tables taken. They then sat at the same table that Dipper sat at during his time at the diner earlier.

Pacifica:I'm going to tell the waitress that is still working what we want.What do you want,Dipper?

Dipper:I'll have my usual.

Pacifica:Which is?

Dipper:One of the ones I get for dinner here.Any of them is fine with me.

Pacifica:I'll be right back.

Pacifica spoke to the waitress and the waitress went to the kitchen and Pacifica returned to the table.

Pacifica:She'll be here quickly.

Dipper:So I noticed that we didn't spend much time together in the past ten years.

Pacifica:Yeah.When I started working here,we were really understaffed and it remained that way for the past ten years which is why I wasn't able to be with you and Mable much over the years.Luckily, before you moved here,I got word that other people have been recently hired which means we will no longer be understaffed next week.

The waitress brought what Dipper and Pacifica wanted and placed them on the table.

Pacifica:Well,here's our food.

Dipper:Looks good.

Pacifica:So,Where was I on our conversation?

Dipper:You were saying that there will be more employees working here.

Pacifica:Oh right.Anyway,it will be nice to have more people working here.Having to tend to so many customers on a hourly basis was really getting to me.

Dipper:Well,at least you won't have to worry much about it.

Pacifica:Yeah.It's about time too.

Dipper and Pacifica started to eat their meal.When they were done,Both of Dipper and Pacifica used handkerchiefs to wipe their face.

Pacifica:This was really nice.You finished?


Pacifica:I'll go pay for this then.

Pacifica went to tip the waitress who served them and returned to Dipper after she was done.

Pacifica:Ready to go?


Dipper and Pacifica went outside of the diner and they saw that it was already dark.

Dipper:Thanks for the date.It was great.

Pacifica:You're thanking me?I should be thanking you.

Dipper:Yeah,but you did want it to happen and if I'm being honest,so did I.

Pacifica:Well,I better get going.See you tomorrow.

Dipper:Are we gonna kiss or...never mind.

Pacifica:We got through our first date.Its normal that we'd do our first kiss.

Dipper just looked at Pacifica and Pacifica just pointed at her lips.

Pacifica:Well?You did wanted a kiss, didn't you?

Dipper just blushed.


Dipper lean towards Pacifica and kissed her.Pacifica put her hand on the back Dipper's head and push his head to kiss him again after they broke their first kiss.Dipper and Pacifica both blushed at what occurred.

Dipper:Woah...that was...woah.

Pacifica:You should've see your face.So, this means you're my boyfriend,huh?

Dipper:Yep and now you're my girlfriend.

Pacifica:I should go.I got some things to do at home.Would you actually like to go with me?

Dipper:I would,but what about your parents?

Pacifica:Dipper,I got a place of my own so you don't have to worry about my parents.So,are you coming or not?

Dipper:Sure.Just let me call Mable first.

Dipper called Mable.

Mable:Hey bro.How was your date?

Dipper:It was great.I'll be spending the night with Pacifica.

Mable:Ok.Don't forget to tell me about the date.

Dipper:I won't.

Pacifica was looking at her nails until Dipper got her attention by waving at her.

Pacifica:Ready to go?


Dipper and Pacifica got to Pacifica's car and went to Pacifica's place.

Gravity Falls Dipper And Pacifica's Future Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora