Murphy got to the oar fast an sat down as I sat next to him right as Jaha threw Craig in the water

Phoneix- what are you doing?! Craig! what the hell is wrong with you!?

I tried to go to the edge of the boat to help him, but Jaha grabbed me stopping me

Phoneix- get off me! get off me!

we watched that thing eat him whole as we were all just stunned

Murphy- what the hell is.. *cuts off and shoves Jaha* what the hell is wrong with you?!

Jaha- hold on. it's gone. let's go

Jaha begins to row as I look at Murphy completely stunned at what Jaha had just done as he was too

Murphy- why?

Jaha- so we could live and because you can row.

Murphy got to the back of the boat as he began to row as Jaha stayed to the front rowing, I sat in silence in the middle choosing not to say anything as we got closer to land. Jaha got out and helped push the boat to shore as Murphy got out with him before they looked at me as I was holding my very bloody arm

Jaha- Phoneix, let me help you.

Murphy- she doesn't want anything from you

Jaha- come on, you both are survivors. we all are.

Murphy- whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better, Chancellor

Murphy helped me out being mindful of my arm as he does, he had his arms around me as he helped keep my arm propped 

Jaha- our destiny is out there, you two.

Murphy- and what about Craig's destiny?

Jaha- we sacrificed a few to save many

Jaha moved away a bit as Murphy spoke again

Murphy- you know, you're right. we are a survivor. which is exactly why, I am done following you. we'll go our own way. you can go whichever the hell way you want

I looked at Murphy in complete shock as those words left his mouth, I didn't know if he was being serious or not. we began to walk away from Jaha as I was shocked that he would even think to leave but as I figured Jaha followed us

Jaha- John.

I started walking but fell onto the ground as I held my arm, Murphy dropped next to me as I felt so lightheaded

Jaha- she lost too much blood, she needs to stay still

Murphy- get the hell away from us

I heard a drone whirring as I turned my head 

Jaha- did you hear that?

the drone flew over Jaha's head as he looked at it while Murphy looked at me holding my face as I looked at him

Murphy- you wouldn't be in this mess if you just stayed back like you said

Phoneix- I would have died by grounders if I stayed, I think this was a better choice

Jaha- *talking to the drone* please whoever you are! we need your help! wait wait!

Murphy stood as he watched the drone fly off

Jaha- John.

Phoneix- Murphy, I can't make it. just go. 

he looked at him in disbelief as he shook his head

Jaha- we need to go John

Murphy- go without me! I'm not leaving her here! go, we both know you want to

Jaha looked at me than at Murphy as he sighed

Jaha- I'll come back for you both

Jaha ran off after the drone as I sat on my knees while Murphy yelled in Jaha's direction

Murphy- your promised land sucks!!!

I looked at Murphy sighing as he walked over to me kneeling

Murphy- I'm sorry, if I know this would have happened, I wouldn't have come. I should have just gone back to camp with you

I put my hand on his face as I rested our foreheads together still looking at him

Phoneix- camp wouldn't have been much better, I'm just glad you're okay.

Murphy- you shouldn't be caring whether or I'm okay or not when you have a chunk missing from your arm

Phoenix- I'm more pissed that thing bite into your jacket, it kept me warm

he chuckled shaking his head as he pulled back from me, he stood up picking me in a bridal hold as he walked over to the boat sitting down with me against his chest as he sighs

Murphy- get some rest, I feel we are going to be here for a while

I nodded not arguing as i closed my eyes to fall asleep with his fingers running through my knotted hair

Murphy- don't die on me before he comes back, I don't want to lose you. not when we are so close to a happy ending or at least a promised one.

The Earth We Once Knew - John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now