Fattening, Fattening

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Wow. It's funny how this is the only time I have spent this year around Zac without getting bullied. Pushed into lockers, having my belly poked, being stuck on the floor or being stuffed then forced to fart. And to be honest I think he likes me, I mean he keeps looking over at me smiling. You never know he might like fat girls. I think I'm gonna test that theory while we wait for the juice to kick in.

I ring the door bell to my house and sort of consider something. Well what could go wrong. We get in and sit on the massive sofa. I make sure Zac is looking at me then I start reaching in my bag for all the snacks I had in there, then I start stuffing my face. I watch him closely as his face starts to turn a little pink. Hm I have an idea. I get out some pastries out and hand them to Zac I then ask him to help me eat. Yes interesting. He accepts to my surprise. I had only just opened my mouth before food was shoved in. Zac grabbed my belly, then he lifted up my shirt letting all my bloated midsection flop out. God I couldn't help but moan as I feel Zac sharp finger run through my fat rolls.

Before I knew it Zac was feeding me. Snack after snack. We had run out of food in my bag so Kristen had to get more. She was also helping cram food into my mouth. God I was so full. I just sat there being, being well force fed or for lack of better words fattened. Next I felt a funnel being inserted into my mouth.

No I thought. I tried to remove it but I didn't realise while I was being fed my hands had been tied behind my back. Kristen brought out two large jugs of milkshake from the kitchen and started to pour it down the funnel. I moaned in pleasure as I felt the warm thick liquid enter me. I couldn't move, I was now a real helpless pig being fattened. God at this rate I was gonna explode.

I was in so much pain when I finally finished the milkshakes. My belly was bright red with how bloated I was.
"You know Kath, we've been planning this for months, I've been slowly fattening you plumbing you up for me, your will be my perfect piggy."
Kristen chuckled. She patted my belly, this caused me to started farting. But they both just laughed. Did I tell you that Kristen was a Goth. She would wear full black suits that (if she wasn't wearing her maid uniform of cause) exposed her belly. Which I always though was really sexy. But now her full black dress looked menacing.

Wait was the female juice fake. From what I could understand it was. Suddenly Zac fainted.
"Arh yes, time for piggy number two to join the fun."
Oh god, Kristen lifted Zac up sat him on the sofa. Then tied him up next to me. I'll tell you what's horrifying, watching a big strong male like Zac become a small helpless female like me just slim.

Kristen lifted Zac's shirt then clipping a bra to him. The she removed his shirt and I watched in horror as Zac's muscle disappeared and turned into flat skin. His carved abs flattened and became flat stomach. His spine shrank and his height decreased by about 7 inches making his 6.2 foot body a 5.5 foot body. But the two things that changed most was his ass and boobs. His boobs inflated filling the bra almost instantly and soon spilling over the top. His or should I say her ass also ballooned. And let me say when she had changed she was thick with two k's.

God damn I was tired. My eyes flicked closed then open and then I fell asleep.
I was in a pink world, all around me were cakes and sweets. So I ate and ate and ate. My belly swelled until I was full. Then everything started going dark, the sky the food everything just black. I fell into a chair, my arms are locked in place. There are people around me, no wait it was the whole year, wait no it's the whole school. Kristen is standing over me, she shoves a grey tube in my mouth and there's a clicking sound. I begin to fill with a thick creamy substance. I begin to moan as it fill me up. I look down as my belly swells and I'm now at the stage we're I'm constantly farting. Fucking hell what's going on. Everyone's laughing at me as my clothes rip. My jeans and shirt rip open and now I'm only in my underwear. But I can see that it won't hold long ether. Snap my bra snaps and my boobs flop out onto my belly. And mere seconds later snap again my pants snap. All I can do is sit there helpless, naked and most importantly expanding. Creek then snap the chair breaks and I fall onto my back. My belly sticking up in the air like beached whale, big and blubbery, just simply a helpless pig. I feel the hole school swarming me, laughing at me. It all gets to much and wow.

I wake up I'm tied to a chair next to Zac. She's awake too and we shared eye contact. Her eyes are wide with fear. This isn't how I planned it to be. God the hole time Kristen was hired she was fattening me, plumping me up for something but I'm not sure what. To be fair I was average weight before she showed up. Actually how did I not notice it. She would stuff me full, feed me till I was about to explode. Every Christmas she spend the whole day feeding me fattening me, plumping me. God it was all so, so hot.

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