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I'd like to note that this part of the fic takes place when Makomo and Giyuu are 13 and Sabito is 14 years old.
I know these ages aren't canon, bear with me people!

And if anyone didn't see the description; there's NO SMUT


Giyuu's POV

I stood in the small clearing surrounded by thick green bamboo stalks, sunlight filtering in through the skinny leaves. I swung my sword without mercy through the empty air. 497... 498... 499... My best friend and training partner, Sabito, stepped into the ring of bamboo and eyed me with a judgmental smirk. A light breeze blew through his fluffy light-pink hair, and Sabito brushed it out of his eyes without breaking eye contact with me. I straightened up and returned his smirk with a playful glare.

"What's that look for, Sabito?"

"Your stance is all wrong."

Jeez, leave it to Sabito to be straight to the point. I knew he meant no harm in his words, he only wanted to help.

"If you're so smart, why don't you show me how my stance should look?"

"With pleasure." He moved to the center of the sandy clearing, and I stepped out of the way as he bent his knees and dropped into a fighting stance. "See, your feet were too far apart, and your knees have to be bent just enough, not too much."

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a know-it-all!"

"Take that back!" He growled, brandishing his wooden sword as he turned to face me.

I fell to the fighting stance we were supposed to be practicing. If Urokodaki-san finds out we didn't practice he'll kill us... I brushed the thought away. We'd cross that bridge when we got there. "Never," I said in a playful tone.

Sabito struck first, slipping to my left side and swinging his sword towards my arm. Our swords clashed, and I shoved him back a few feet before we stepped back apart. He took a relaxed stance and motioned for me to come at him. I jumped into the air, bringing my wooden sword down with a powerful swipe. My eyes followed his as Sabito side-stepped out of the way. I twisted mid-air and our blades struck the other once again. I landed on my side and rolled to my feet, just in time to block an oncoming strike from Sabito. Shit- I've got to be faster.

We traded blows for a few seconds, and I kicked off of the ground, sending myself back a couple yards. I then charged at Sabito, who's gray-blue eyes widened a little at my straight-forward tactic. I closed the distance in a couple strides, and he hadn't moved. Then, at the very last second, he dodged to the side and slammed the handle of his sword down in the middle of my spine.

I fell to the ground and lay there, winded and in pain.

"Oh my god- are you ok?!" Sabito knelt next to me and carefully helped me sit up. "I-I didn't mean to hit you that hard, I swear!" I could hear the regret that laced his voice, and I mustered a shaky smile.

"I'm fine, really. Just a bit out of breath..." I drew air into my lungs through gritted teeth, each breath felt like my lungs were on fire. How hard did he hit me...

He sat down next to me and rubbed his hand up and down my back gently. It hurt a bit whenever his palm passed over the spot where he struck me, but I didn't mind. We sat in silence for a minute or two before Sabito broke it.

"I'm really sorry," he apologized, his right hand still resting on my back.

"All forgiven," I smiled brightly, which he returned.

All of a sudden, Makomo dropped out from above us, landing perfectly on her toes in front of us, just barely a foot away. I jumped up, startled. When I realized a second later it was just Makomo, I scowled, blushing from embarrassment as I sat back down. Sabito burst out laughing, hitting the ground a few times with his fist.

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