Patrick watched me closely, his eyes bearing into my soul, as he got ready to step into this interaction too if something he didn't like happened. I had to admit, a jealous Patrick was a gorgeous thing but it wasn't fair to play him twice in a row.

My attention turned to Andrew, who was sitting in front me, his hands balled up tight on the table as he hid his still very red face into Patrick's chest. I smiled to myself as I let my fingers brush against his knuckles just to grab his attention.

He turned to look at me skeptically but didn't have time to question me before I connected our lips. He gasped at the connection allowing me to shove my tongue into his mouth before pulling away as if it never happened. He looked at me in a daze, his lips already beginning to match the shade of his checks at the force I had used.

"You think he got the message," I asked as I turned to look back at the guy who had started all of this but a hand wrapped around my jaw before I even had the chance. I raised an eyebrow at Patrick while his grip tightened. I waited in silence just to see what he would do if I allowed him to.

I could feel his pulse from the hand on my jaw as he squeezed it a bit harder before bringing my head to his, forcing me up from my chair to lean over the table. The second our lips met, his tongue was at the seam of my lips. A smile crossed my face as I refused him. His mood soured quickly but he didn't give up. The hand on my jaw moved down to my throat as his teeth dug into my bottom lip.

My mouth fell open as a moan left me, leaving Patrick plenty of time to shove his tongue down my throat as moaned under him.

When he pulled away the man was gone and Andrew was watching us with wide eyes and his hands covering his lap.

"It's been a while since I was treated like that," I admit as I leaned into Patrick's ear, his hand still on my throat but no force was put into it. "Do it again some time?" I whispered into his ear before giving the shell of his ear a light kiss. He only nodded as I pulled away and settled back into my seat.

"Now it's already 7 and we have 3 hours ahead of us so why don't we get going. Dev will have a search party started if we're not back by midnight," I said as I stood up from the table, a smirk on my face as they trailed behind me, still in a daze at what happened.

Sadly the bar didn't have it's own parking lot so it was a bit of a walk to actually get to the car but it was spent with me in between Andrew and Patrick with each of hands having one of theirs.

Andrew went on about the lights, Patrick still found the negative in everything, and I only listened to them and their petty fights.

The night was quiet and colder than normal. The walk to the car felt like it took an hour but I had to admit my anxiety eased at the sight of the parking garage coming into view.

We didn't even make it to the car before Andrew's hand was ripped from mine. A gun was in my hand the second his was gone as I turned to see what took him from me. A man now hid behind Andrew as pistol was being shoved into his temple.

"Let him go and you don't have to die," I seethed as I aimed at the man. The shot would be hard, if Andrew moved even the slightest bit he risked dying, but I could take the shot.

Patrick's hand squeezed my harder as he trembled beside me; whether in fear or anger I couldn't tell.

"You're not the one making decisions here," the man teased, his hand faltering on the gun for a split second. "Besides, you wouldn't kill in front of them would you Jem?"

His question was answered when my gun fired and the bullet hit its mark between his eyes. His body dropped like a weight and the second he let go Andrew flung himself away from the man.

His arms wrapped around my neck while my free arm held him close, gun still in my hand in case more followed his lead. His quiet cries echoed in my ears as Patrick moved closer as well, holding Andrew tighter than I was.

"It's okay," I soothed, trying to keep the anger out of my voice. "He's not going to hurt you now. It's okay."

A sickening crunch sounded before a blinding pain on the back of my head was felt. I fought the darkness as I held onto Andrew and Patrick but I could feel myself falling against them as the darkness only continued to invade my sight.

I landed on the ground hard. I couldn't fight but my hand moved slowly to the pocket with my phone in it. I didn't have to see in order to type 'SOS' into the last conversation I had on this phone before hitting send but without being able to do anything else, my mind slipped into the black as panic took over.

Let's all just remember there is a discord link in my bio if anyone need emotional support after this.
Last updated June 29, 2022

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