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Jem's POV

I sighed to myself as I sat in drivers seat of the untagged car.

It was late, I was tired, and I left Andrew passed out on my mattress hours ago. I wanted nothing more than to just give up for the night, go home, and fall asleep with Andrew, maybe tease Patrick a bit if there was time but I didn't trust anyone else to get this done.

Barret yawned loudly in the backseat while Devon looked close to passing out in the passengers seat. It had been a long day for all of us.

I had been at the warehouse all day again, Barrett was following Andrew and as soon as they got home he was helping with a weapons deal, after Devon got home with Patrick he had to go sort something out with a few of out drug suppliers.

Now it was well past midnight and we were all ready to collapse.

"I say if he doesn't make a move in the next 20 minutes we give it a rest for the night," Barrett sighed as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes.

"I would agree but I'm not very keen on doing this again tomorrow night," Dev mumbled while I hummed in agreement.

Barrett was about to complain again but I shushed him when the front door of a random club opened. 

Joseph Crain was stumbling out the door with a smile on his face and clearly laughing his ass off. I thanked every higher power watching us in that moment.

Crain was drunk off his ass and that was about to make this next part so much easier for us.

I watched closely as he stumbled down the empty sidewalk before stopping at a random car that wasn't his and trying to unlock it.

I almost wanted to laugh. Things were never this easy for us. It almost felt like a tease but I was willing to take the gamble tonight. I just hoped it didn't back fire.

I sighed to myself as I forced myself out of the car, Dev and Barrett following closely behind me.

I stood beside Crain seconds later but in his drunken state, he didn't remember his kill on sight orders his boss must have given him.

"I don't think that's your car," I said with a forced chuckle after watching his try to open the door for a good minute or so.

"This is definitely my car," he slurred with a small wave of his hand. The small action was enough to make him loose his balance, causing him to go head first into Dev's chest.

My friend glared down at him with as much hate as he could muster.

"I swear Jem if this guy pukes on me I'm going to kill him."

"I'd like to see you try," Crain muttered but Dev only rolled his eyes as he pushed the drunken man back towards me.

"This was your plan, you deal with the vomit."

"No one will have to deal with it if you would stop shaking him," I said with a small sigh as I took Crain by the arm and began walking us back to our car.

"If he manages to keep all of that alcohol in him I'm giving him a pat on the back," Barrett teased but kept his distance regardless.

"Well it's a good thing he's riding back there with you then."

Crain didn't even try to fight us as we crossed the street but just as I was about to shove him in the backseat, Barrett blocked my way with a glare.

"I'm not having that time bomb anywhere near me, especially on the driveway. That thing is so curve he'll throw up for sure."

"Then what do you suggest," I asked but my question didn't have time to register in his head before he was moving.

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