Chapter 0: Where are you?

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Hello hello, welcome to the story! I know why you're here; because you played Get a Snack at 4 AM and loved the Cashier. So did I, and that's why I'm writing this! Here's some things that you'll need to know getting into the story.


Y/N: You! Y/N! Now, I'm not going to go into too much detail on what Y/N is like, with describing how she's a petite, blonde haired girl with a pale complexion. That's not Y/N. That's a self insert. So, here are some things to note so you can insert yourself into Y/N instead!

- Y/N will be gender neutral and androgynous in my writing. This is so anyone can see themselves in Y/N. They shall also use they/them pronouns or be referred to as Y/N.

- Despite me wanting to make this as open as possible, I can't account for every personality, so Y/N shall be written as a cheerful person who tries to look at the brighter side of things, while also knowing when to be serious. As writing, I also gave them anxiety (not the medical kind, just normal anxiety) and they get scared a little bit easily, aha.

Cashier: As shown in the extras section of the game, the creator said that she didn't like how she wrote Cashier in the first adaption, because he was a one dimensional character who didn't serve much purpose. In the newer adaption, he was written to be a jerk and also slightly dumb.

Characteristics I plan on adding myself include;

- Although he may appear to be a jerk at first glance, he's nicer when you get to know him, just a little pessimistic guy. :D

- In the Soda Flood ending, Cashier brings up the idea of parallel universes. Of course, this may have just been a fourth wall break. However, I plan on making him secretly insecure of his role in life as nothing but a cashier, as he ponders life sometimes and wonders if there's anything more to it.

- He likes stars too!!! (Totally not foreshadowing.)

Dummy: Dummy won't have too much of a role to play in this story (as of now), but I do plan on making them have an appearance.

- Unsure what their personality will be yet, but going off canon/my thoughts, they'll be written as a friend of Cashiers who Cashier is close with. They don't always get along due to Cashiers pessimistic nature, but they get through it since they're the only self aware pair.

- They'll question Y/N, as Y/N is basically a replacement for the player, but there's no multiple endings for them to get. So, Dummy wonders why Y/N is here, is it a bug in the code, are you a new NPC? Who knows!

Dad: The dad serves no purpose in the original game, but from what I can see, he has anger issues and doesn't like being woken up.

- From this, the dad is the type of dad to want a high achiever child. Since Y/N is a normal kid, Dad doesn't like that, and so he's more mean to Y/N.

- Since you're not that good with academics, he wishes for you to get friends, and forces you out into the world. Good luck!


This fic will take place in the SNACKCORE universe, as one would expect. However, the difference is that since it doesn't follow the storyline of the game, Kyu and Orby play no role in it, as there's no data to save.

- Each chapter shall represent a day. For example, you'll come across a poster talking about a stargazing event happening in 5 days, so you'll go to it after 5 chapters.


- This story will not be fluff, angst, or any other trope in particular. It'll be a mix between them all, you'll get fluffy moments, you'll get angsty moments, etc. Don't worry as I won't be writing anything triggering, and if I feel like I may, I'll include it in the title.

- I have a vague storyline in my mind for things to go by, so updates won't be too long.

- I plan on going with canon personality to the best of my abilities, and considering that Cashier was written to be a jerk, this is going to be a bit of a slow burn, as it'll take a bit more time for him to open up.

That's all for now, hope you'll enjoy the story! :D

Starstruck; Cashier x GN Reader (GASA4)Where stories live. Discover now