Chapter 1: Welcome to Angel Elite University

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Year: 2016

"A new beginning is always the challenging part of any new chapter. Never knowing what paths will appear." Fabian POV

It was August, and summer was coming to an end as I the great Fabian Martinez, son of the great and talented Stella Martinez, will be leaving the nest of a tour bus to a college dorm, Oh it is not some ordinary college dorm it is the dorm of the greatest, richest, stuck universities ever, Angel Elite University! Now why is the son of a famous singer attending this university? Well the answers are simple to that question. It's where the well known people in society practically go, my house is like twenty minutes away, and like most kids, I want to show my mother that I can succeed in a top notch university. I mean there was Harvard but AEU has nothing against Harvard. Plus I don't want to be a lawyer or some other stuck up white prep. Angel Elite has a majority of Hispanics and other diverse populations where the whites are the minority. Interesting isn't it? Anyways back to the story of where I'm pulling up to the university with my mom in our limo.

"My little baby boy is leaving me to continue his education!"

"Mamá, don't start crying now. We haven't even stopped." I say as I hand her a tissue.

"I know but still it's going to be a lonely tour bus and house without you my little troublemaker."

"Please, you have Kassie and Charlie by your side." Kassie is my mother's assistant, manager, and best friend. Her husband Charlie is my mother's stylist and designer. Together they are a triple threat and within that triple threat comes a dynamic duo known as Serena, the daughter of Kassie and Charlie! Super cool how everything turns out right? I mean we are a small family but we consider ourselves huge because of the chaos we create together as a family.

"I know but it doesn't beat having you and Serena with us." My mother says as she blows her nose. "However, it might be nice not to be worried about what shenanigans you two will come up."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment, just because it's almost time to leave."

"I know! Kassie and Charlie just texted me that they are crying right now!" She hands me her phone as she blows her nose again. Serena wanted a head start to move in so she left super early. My dumbass just wanted to sleep in and I regret it since there is so much move in traffic. Not to mention, it's nice to spend one on one time with my mom. It's rare to have this alone time with her since she is always busy.

"mamá," I hand her the phone back and I move closer to her. "I'm going to miss seeing you perform the hell out of all your shows, traveling the world and the backstage chaos."

"Aye mijito, I'm going to miss you too," she gives me a tight hug and usually I try to escape but at this moment I just let her hug me to death.

"Just know you can always call me mamá."

"I know but it's just not the same, Fabian, my love, it just hurts so much as a mother to see her baby boy grow up so fast. I'm just not ready to let go."

"It's just a part of life mamá, trust me when I say that I'm going to be a better human being!"

"Didn't you say the same thing when we dropped you and Serena off at a summer camp and after the first day it was on fire?"

"Hey, the counselors didn't want to put us in the same cabin! We requested it and plus they told us that our macaroni art was trash!"

"You two were eight year olds! How do two eight year olds start a fire at a camp?!"

"Simple, just throw some oil soaked paper into the bonfire."


"You asked!" I say as I finally release myself from the longest hug in history. I gasp for air and put on a dramatic show where I see my mother laughing.

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