East and West can shapeshift

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Very interesting request I have to admit, never got an request about shapeshifting

No idea how to do the plot but here is my try \/

Apologies for a mega late upload I was infected by something called "writer's block" 😔

East and West were eating breakfast alone since AH was fixing her goggles with GE, somebody broke into their house last night trying to kidnap Austria for absolutely no reason and broke AH's goggles when she tried to save Austria. Luckily East and West protected the Austrians before GE absolutely SLAUGHTERED the attacker.

Hungary and Austria whispered stuff to each other, refusing to let West listen which annoyed him, he loved tea, so why did he have to miss out. No favourite sibling advantages? Aw man :(

East noticed this but didn't say much, what was she meant to do anyway? It probably wasn't best to do disaster yet. Hungary ate his food.

'Oi! Deutschland.' West turned to Austria who called him. 'Both of you, even you Easty.'

'Oh! Okay now that's more like it.' She leaned in closer.
'We were reading a book we stole from dad's room, we were wondering if you wanted to read it with us secretly.' West nodded.
'I love books I shall have it.' West said, Hungary whispered some stuff to Austria again and she nodded.

'Okay sneak slowly, we ate food anyway so they won't care.' Austria said, they agreed and got off their chair before West quickly pushed the chairs back in the table so AH won't trip on it before catching up with the others.

They ran to West's room and shut the door.
'What is the book?'
'Some dark magic user stuff that you need to be 16 to use..' Hungary said while passing it to East.

'Can you try using it?' Austria asked as she leaned closer to West to see East better (West was in the middle and East was on the side).
'IT SAYS IT'S FOR 30 YEAR OLDS- DO LOOK 30??' East pointed at herself.

'Actually, you're right. You look 5.' Hungary said, East looked literally ready to explode.

'Okay okay okay calm down guys, we don't want to disturb mum or dad today while their fixing her googles.' Austria said.
'WOAH! Can down guys, the answer is that we don't know, we shall see okay?' West interrupted their about to be escalated fight. Austria, Hungary and East looked at each other before nodding. 'Okay, do you want to try it East?'

'Only if Hungary gives me my cookies and I get to go out to hunt for mushrooms.' East said, Hungary rolled his eyes.

'Fine I will give the cookies but you own me.' Hungary said while leaving to get the cookies. Austria meanwhile opened the book.

'WHAT?! YOU ARE ABLE TO DO ALL OF THIS??' Austria exclaimed while pointed at the stuff. 'Is this why you have an obsession with flamethrowers?'

'Of course we love flamethrowers, they are literally the best thing to play with and possibly burn down a treehouse!' East said, 'And no, I totally didn't burn down Hungary's treehouse after he stole 5€ from my wallet.' East added.
'Okay..?' Austria replied, internally questioning their life choices before looking at the book, West stared at the book.

Hungary returned with the cookies and passed it to East.
'NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!' East said before treating the cookies like her soul depended on it. West read the book with Austria, he had an idea.

'East there is something wrong with my plane design can you help?' West asked East, that was their secret way of a quick conversation just between the two.

'Okay, can you two get out quickly?' Hungary and Austria left quickly before East shut the door. 'What's up West?'

'Look! This sounds like perfect prank material.' West said while pointing at a paragraph.

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