GE flies into a window

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Yessir! Imma put in a plot first before the fly into window part >:)

Also you may always request more than once, I don't really mind :)

'Okay, kids! Breakfast time!' Germany, East, Austria, Hungary all ran down full speed with GE. The kids sat down at the table while East reached for some cookies but AH snatched the cookie jar. 'Not yet East, you can have them after breakfast okay sweetie?' East nodded and GE peaked over what AH made.

'Oi.' AH said as she smacked GE gently with a kitchen towel.
'oW-' GE said as AH placed the food on the table. PANCAKES? YESSS!?

GE sat down on the table and so did AH, West and East were giving each other the exact same portion, they literally look the same other than East having a fancy symbol on her unlike Germany, who is just a neat simple design.

Austria and Hungary were fighting over a literal pancake.
'Austria! Hungary! Guys break it up. There are more okay?'
'I reached this one first!' Austria complained.
'So? You have longer arms!'
'No I don't!' Austria denied.

'Come on kids.' GE said as he gave another pancake to Austria. 'Better?' Hungary and Austria were silent, West and East giggled about their immaturity. 'AH honey, I have some work today at the office, should I call somebody to help you?' AH shook her head before putting her googles on to see before covering the googles with her eyepatches.

'NEIN, I'll just have these on me so I can care for them better.'
'Okay, I'll just change quickly to my work clothes.'
'No shoot Sherlock, nobody goes to work in Pyjamas.' AH scoffed before GE left upstairs. AH meanwhile cleaned up the plates and gave East her Favourite snack.

'Do you kids want to do something today?'
'Does playing indoors with West count?' East asked.
'Sure, how about you two little guys?' AH asked Austria and Hungary.
'Sword fight!'
'Okay, but please don't use the real swords this time, last time you almost murdered your own twin brother.' AH warned, they nodded before leaving.

'Okay, that sums up the plan for the kids, KIDS? PIZZA IS FOR LUNCH BY THE WAY!'
'Make sure it doesn't have pineapple on it! Last time Italy almost killed me!' Hungary said and AH giggled.
'Sure! So, see you after work hun.' AH kissed GE quickly before going back to washing the dishes.

West meanwhile opened the door in GE's room.
'Hey! Westie, how about we close the window and then pretend it is still open and see if Vater notices.'

'Nicht ein gut idea East.' West admitted, East rolled her eyes.
'It will be funny! Please???' East pleaded.
'Fine! But only if I can have one cookie and I'm excluded from your suspicious activities.'

East laughed and gave Germ one cookie before running to the bathroom to take out some cleaning spray.
'What on earth are you planning?'
'GE won't believe it's open when the window is crusty! HELP ME!' East threw a cloth on Germany and he stood up to help East. 'Does it look clean enough?' West nodded.

GE meanwhile checked the time as he combed his wings.
'Stupid. Molt. Month.' GE complained as he brushed more feathers off his wing. 'Why must I have wings?' GE said, 'at least I can fly from windows.' GE said. GE got a call from his phone.

'Hello? RE?'
'Yes it's me RE, I'm picking you up to work today since flying with your wings probably would be tragic, nobody wants to be rained on by black feathers.'
'Okay thanks RE, but I'm pretty sure it would be nice to have my feathers, ✨it's like a signature ✨'
'Yeah yeah, I'll be there in five minutes.' RE said before ending the call. East and West heard it from a distance.

'Shießeeee' East groaned, GE heard it and when to the kids, West sat on the floor.

'Everything good kiddos?'

'Ja ich only fell.' East helped West up,
'Okays, the window will be open right? It's easier to get home that way.' East nodded and West agreed before Ge hugged the twins before leaving. 'Bye honey! I'm off to work!' AH waved to GE before he left.

'You own me for my master acting skills.'
'West please that was no where near Master acting skills.' East scoffed before East closed the window. 'Hehehehehhehe.' East giggled.

GE entered the car with RE.
'How are you doing?'
'The usual, raising two sets of twins is pain.' GE said before leaning on his car seat, more feathers dropped onto his seat.

'GE I swear- I might as well do arts and crafts with your feathers or stuff an entire pillow for free.'
'Very funny RE.'

<timeskip to after work>

AH was watching TV while East waited for GE.
'It's going to be so funny!' East giggled while West was quietly reading a book. 'OMG HE IS COMING GET OVER HERE!' East pulled West behind the wall and East took her phone out to record.

GE flew towards the window, thinking it was the window.


East looked to see GE's face, but.. IT WASN'T EVEN THE CLEAN WINDOW! HE HIT ANOTHER WINDOW! West and East walked out and East burst out laughing.

'HOW DID YOU HIT THE WINDOW?!' She wheezed while West opened the window, he fixed his glasses before GE's wings twitched.

'You little gremlins.' GE sighed, East was wheezing and rolling on the floor from GE's stupidity, HOW DID HE CRASH INTO THE WRONG WINDOW?

AH went upstairs

West helped his dad from the window inside the house. AH walked in as saw GE holding onto his head.
'GE? What happened?' AH father hand in his head, 'you don't seem to have a fever.'

'I crashed into a window.' GE admitted, AH tried to hold on her laughter, it was successful. 'You need to be more careful dummkopf.' AH said as she helped GE downstairs. Austria and Hungary saw GE walk down and East whispered what happened.

'NO WAY-' Hungary wheezed as he burst out laughing. Austria and West meanwhile were more calm about it. AH reached for an ice pack and placed it on GE's head.

'Are you alright hunny?' GE nodded.
'Okay which one of you kiddos left the window closed.' West backed away to the other twins while East stood proudly.

'In my defense he missed the window anyway, so even if it was open he would've still crashed into a window.' East said. GE sighed.

'Window 2?'
'Yeah no you hit window 3 and I closed window 2' East said. GE nodded.

'You klutz' AH said before placing GE's hand on the ice pack as she removed some feathers on the floor. 'How long is the molt?'

'I think it's a week left.'
'Good, arts and crafts anyone?'
'Can I make a curtain out of them?' West asked, East looked at West.
'WHO ON EARTH MAKES CURTAINS OUT OF FEATHERS??' East blurted, 'Until you choose you better activity I banish you from being my twin.'

'Curtain for our secret hideout' West whispered to East.
'Oh nvm- I UNBANISH YOU!' East said.

GE felt better after a bit. 'Oh shoot I forgot my suitcase.'
'You just noticed?' Hungary asked and GE rolled his eyes. GE got really and fixed his wings, before flapping them and.. he flew into a window, again.

This time everybody burst out laughing.
'IT'S NOT FUNNY!!' GE said as he was embarrassed, that only made the others laugh harder. Something his the window that GE was originally meant to hit. Austria went upstairs. It was Bohemia.

'K-kurva' Bohemia said, AH went upstairs and opened the window.

'How many more "birds" shall we encounter hitting our window because it's over?' AH sighed.


'GE you got to be kidding me'

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