< Chapter Two >

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"Shit.." I mumbled to myself. I had an enormous headache. I tried to get up and out of bed to take some pain meds, only, I wasn't in bed.

I tried to pull my arms up but they were attatched to the back of a chair with zip ties. My legs were tied to the legs of the chair. I noticed I had duck tape on my mouth. I began to panic. I tried to scream, but I could barely get any noise through.

I blinked my eyes a few times and tried to get them to focus. I was in a pitch black room. As I struggled with being tied to the chair, I remembered how I had gotten here. Why did he want me?

All of a sudden there were some deep, echoed, electrical sounds and the lights flickered. They turned on and I wijced due to my headache. When I opened my eyes I could see I was in some sort of abandoned factory. It was empty. Mostly.

There were some men near the top of the building with ski masks on. I tried to signal for help from them, but of course they weren't any help.

Just then, I heard a car door slam closed. I turned my head and could see there was a white van behind me. Walking out was a man with a mask on, but I could see his eyes. They were light grey, almost lavender colored. He was talking to some other guys near the van and then he glanced at me with a smirk.

He began to walk towards me.

"Please, don't be afraid. We need you in good shape." He spoke to me.

I continued to struggle and attempt to scream.

The man pulled out a small gun from his pocket and put it in front of me.

"See this?" He said and put the muzzle on my arm, burning me. I winced. "Scream, and I'll shoot you. I only got orders to deliver you. They never specified that they needed you alive, got it?."

I began to tear up. I nodded.

He then got closer and ripped off the duct tape off from my mouth.

"W-where am I?" I said as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Can't tell you that." He said and then turned to some guys and mumbled some orders to them. They nodded.

"What do you want with me?"

"Pfft. Stop asking silly questions, girl. You're the most valuable person on the planet right now. Stupid of all the guards to let you walk alone. Typical Americans." He said rolling his eyes.

"Y-you must have the wrong person." I said still crying.

He rolled his eyes and walked towards me, harshly grabbing my shoulder. "Don't play dumb with me. I have inside sources who showed me your picture." He then dug inside his pocket for a minute and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. He unfolded it and held it up to your face. It was a picture of you.

"I-I don't u-understand.." I said confused. I began to think of why he would want me. I'm nobody special.

He rolled his eyes again and looked to the person behind him. "Told you she would play this game."

While he was talking, I spit on his cheek. "Let me go!"

He turned to me, obviously pissed. "You're going to regret that."

He turned around again to the man behind him. "Load her up." He said and motioned to the van.

"W-what? No! No! Help!" I began to scream. I saw his eyes smile and hold up the gun. I immediately stopped screaming, afraid for my life. Although, maybe being dead would be better than where they were going to take me.


I heard a loud crash from above me and looked up. There was a helicopter flying above the roof, and a bunch of people slid down on ropes. Most began fighting the people near the top, while a couple of them headed down towards me.

The guy with the gun began shooting at the people. They swiftly dodged the bullets. The man fiddled with the trigger for a minute and I realised he was out of ammo. He looked panicked and began running towards the van while the new people pulled out guns of their own. I winced and flinched with every shot fired, not knowing if they were going to aim for me too.

All of a sudden I felt somebody cutting the zip ties from my feet. Then my arms. I stood up and tried to run away, but he grabbed me.

"Come with me." He said.

"No! Help! Help! Anyone, please!" I yelled as loud as I could hoping someone from the outside could hear me now that part of the roof was gone.

He struggled to get a grip on me, but finally did. He threw me over his shoulder and began to run out with three other people running next to and behind him.

People were shooting at them as they ran out with me. They quickly made their way with me up some stairs and up to the roof. They slammed the door behind them and two people held it closed. I could hear the banging noises from the other guys trying to get outside.

I managed to get down from the guy who previously held me. I ran away from them and tried again to scream for help from the roof.

He ran towards me and put his hand over my mouth.

"Stop! You have to trust me!" He yelled at me while looking into my eyes.

I backed away again, crying. "What's going on? Who are you?"

"We don't have time. Please, you have to just trust me." He said and turned to the helicopter. "You have to get in."

I turned to him and then to the door where the people were struggling to keep it closed. The door finally bust down and there were a bunch of men were looking at me. They began charging. I quickly looked back at the man and helicopter.

"Cmon!" He yelled and grabbed my hand.

I had no choice but to go with them. The helicopter dropped down a short ladder and I climbed up with some help and support from the man. When we were both in the helicopter, we quickly flew away.


Authors Note: There you have it, chapter two. You were kidnapped and.. saved? Or were you just kidnapped by a different group? Find out when you read on!

Date Published: June 30th, 2022

Words: 1110 Words

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