𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗺 || Chrollo x reader (P.2)

Start from the beginning

"Boss, who's this?" Nobunaga asks, stepping out of the shadows to get a better look at his plus-one.

"The newest member. So play nice." Chrollo retorts nonchalantly.

"A new member?!" Machi snaps, standing up angrily and walking towards Chrollo. "We don't have room for a new member. Hell, I can't sense a drop of aura from this good-for-nothing, they'll just set us back!"

Annoyed at Machi's bluntness, Chrollo gives her a look that sends chills down her spine. "I suggest you watch your tongue Machi. I've deemed Y/N here to be an invaluable asset not only to our next job, but as a whole."

Clicking her tongue, Machi backs down and takes a seat next to Shizuku. "Care to elaborate?" Uvogin interjects.

Chrollo, who was about to speak on Y/N's behalf, but they hold a hand in front of his chest to stop him. "Allow me. As Chrollo so graciously introduced, my name is Y/N. I'm a librarian in the York New City library and I specialize in ancient literature and civilizations. Although I prefer to stay humble, I assure you my knowledge is extensive and useful."

"You know how to decipher the ancient text of the Balsa Islands, isn't that right Y/N?" Chrollo boasts proudly.

"Yes, thanks to your generous donations. Because I had access to the texts that Chrollo donated this morning, I was able to verify my deciphering of the hieroglyphs... subsequently revealing the location of the lost treasure of Balsa."

Murmurs rush through the group of spiders as they realize where this was going. "So our next job... is in the Balsa Islands!?" Shalnark exclaims, excited to go somewhere with temperate weather.

"I see your concerns Machi. Y/N is not a nen user, and could easily become a liability." Chrollo says, looking over to Y/N who has a look of sheepish guilt on their face. "That being said, they are under my personal protection at all times. We are moving out to the Balsa Islands next week, be ready."

With that, the spiders adjourn their meeting, coming to the unofficial consensus that Y/N would become an honorary member of the Troupe. Shalnark is the first to approach Y/N, eager to know about the Balsa Islands.

"So does it ever snow there? Are the legends about the treasure really true!?" Shalnark spitballs, excitement emanating off of him.

" 'Scuse Shal, he gets in over his head. The name's Uvogin, you can call me Uvo though!" Uvogin introduces, slapping Shalnark over the head as he sticks his hand out for Y/N to shake.

"It's a pleasure, but yes Shalnark, the legends are true. If you'd like I can show you the research I've done!" Y/N responds, matching Shalnark's energy easily as they shake Uvogin's hand.

After introducing themself to the rest of the members, Chrollo notices Y/N yawning, realizing that time had flown quickly and it's already past midnight. "Don't forget, meet here in a weeks time!" Chrollo shouts, garnering the attention of the spiders as he walks up to Y/N.

"You need your rest if you're going to act as our archaeologist. Let's go."

Wrapping an arm around Y/N's shoulders, Chrollo guides them out of the hideout as they bid their sleepy goodbyes to the group. Once back on the main roads, Chrollo hails a taxi, opening the back door for Y/N to sit in. Sitting in the front, Chrollo gives the driver an address.

Y/N rests their head against the window, watching scenery pass by groggily. Sooner or later, they recognize their street, confused as to why the driver had just passed it. "Chrollo, where are we going? I never even gave you my address now that I think about it..." Y/N muses.

Turning around in his seat, Chrollo smiles mischievously to Y/N. "Precisely why you're coming home with me."

~•~•~ The next week ~•~•~

Courtesy of Shalnark, a private yacht was organized to transport the group from York New City to the Balsa Islands under the guise that it was a party boat.

"Shal you didn't forget the booze did you!?" Uvogin shouts, hauling the suitcases of the Troupe members onto the ship.

Laughing heartily, Y/N walks with Shalnark, carrying some of the beer cases Uvogin had requested. "Y'know it! It's not a party without it!!" Y/N shouts back.

After a boisterous three day voyage from the harbor of York New City to the Balsa Islands, the Troupe disembark sufficiently hungover. Checking into their hotel, everyone is in agreement they need a day to recuperate before even attempting to start their job.

Finding Y/N chatting with Pakunoda, Chrollo steals them away to talk to them in private. "Y/N, I don't think it's a good idea to keep it from the Troupe much longer..." He says, fiddling nervously with the hem of his clothing, a habit he picked up from Y/N.

"Keep what?" Y/N responds inquisitively, genuinely confused as to what Chrollo could be talking about.

"Well... we are dating right?"

The foreign word 'dating' rolls off Chrollo's tongue in a most peculiar matter, making Y/N laugh loudly, garnering the attention of many of the spiders who were loitering about in the lobby.

"That sounds so odd coming from you, yet endearing in the weirdest way. That aside, of course! How about you tell them at dinner tonight? I'm sure after a day of rest and relaxation they'll be more attentive." Y/N suggests spryly.

Sighing as he rubs his temples, Chrollo takes his suitcase from the stack of the member's belongings. "Alright. I'll see you tonight then."

Waving goodbye, Y/N decides to spend their day with Uvogin, Shalnark, Machi, and Pakunoda, who were all in agreement that going to the pool was the best use of their time .

By dinner that night, many of the Troupe members were sporting tans and sunburns, Y/N the later. Exhausted and famished from a day in the sun, Y/N sat down at the dinner table eager to eat. Many of the other spiders were also looking forward to their meal, chatting with each other as they waited for their boss to arrive.

"What do you thinks taking him so long?" Shizuku whispered to Y/N. "I have no clue." Y/N whispered back nervously.

Y/N sat anxiously in their seat, fearing that Chrollo got cold feet. From what Uvogin and Shalnark were saying at the pool, it wasn't uncommon for Chrollo to simply not show up. He came and go as he pleased, unbounded by any social trivialities.

Turning in their seat, Y/N spots Chrollo walking up to the table, something hidden behind his back. Revealing the surprise to the table, many of the Troupe members look at Chrollo with a look of pure shock as he presents a bouquet of native Balsa flowers to Y/N.

"What the hell!?" Uvogin and Franklin shout in unison.

"How romantic~" Pakunoda murmurs.

Rolling her eyes, Machi connects the dots as to why Y/N became their archaeologist.

"Don't tell me you have eyes for them boss!" Machi protests.

Laughing heartily, Y/N only nods their head. "I'm sorry all, but I stole the heart of the spider!"

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