𝗛𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗱 || Meruem x F!reader

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"Your name will be... Y/N. My dutiful handmaiden."

'The voice of my creator rings through my ears... defining my very being. Is this the new life I lead?'

Outside of the egg, the chimera ant queen waits patiently for her beloved handmaid to be born. Noticing a small fissure appear, it doesn't take long for Y/N to fall out of her cocoon, landing gracefully on the floor.

Bowing, Y/N takes her first breath, her lungs welcoming the fresh air. "It is an honor to serve, My Queen."

Reaching down to Y/N's level, the queen places her hand under Y/N's chin and lifts her face up.

"My, my. You are a beautiful creature indeed. It seems my later generations have taken on a more human form..." Y/N looks up to the queen as she tilts her head from side to side.

Retracting her hand, the queen begins to walk back to her chambers. "Feel free to clean yourself up, there's a creek nearby. Now that you've been born, I will start preparations for the king's birth immediately."

Her vocal chords not used to being used, Y/N's voice comes out raspy. "Thank you My Queen."

Y/N stands and meanders through the nest, sensing a malicious presence nearby. "Who might you be?"

Looking over her shoulder, Y/N sees a cat-like figure approaching out of the shadows. Fully turning around, the ant gets a good look at Y/N's exposed body.

"My name is Y/N, the queen's handmaiden. I was on my way to bathe in the creek before returning to Her Majesty's side."

"Nyeow I see... that means the king will be born soon. My name is Neferpitou, one of the king's royal guard."

Y/N bows curtly to their superior, Pitou amused at the spectacle. "No need to bow. I might be superior in terms of physical aptitude, but we are equals in terms of title. After all, you're the only female aside from the queen."

Pitou laughs to themself, Y/N awkwardly standing in front of them. "Neither of the other two guards have been born yet. It'll be nice to have some company around this dreadfully monotonous place. Mind if I accompany you to the creek? I'll bring you some clothing too."

Y/N smiles gratefully, nodding her head yes before leaving. As she makes her way to the creek, Y/N tries her hardest to stay out of sight from any of the other ants in her exposed form.

Upon reaching her destination, Y/N wastes no time wading into the cool water, washing the dirt and grime off of her skin. Startled to see her reflection in the water, Y/N moves to take a good look at her new body.

Reaching her hand up to her head, Y/N confirms that there really are fox-like ears sprouting out of her head. Moving her hands over her backside, Y/N feels a tail growing from her lower back. She notes that her joints now resemble that of an insect, but that the majority of her looks retain those of a human.

'This is who I am now... I can't remember who I was before though...'

Deliberating over her muddled memories, Y/N sinks further into the water. Sensing Pitou's approaching presence, Y/N turns in their direction.

"I'm leaving your clothes over here. I hope it'll suffice." Pitou shouts, sitting down at the bank of the creek.

Y/N swims over to Pitou, slowly rising out of the water. Her wet hair sticking to her body, Y/N tries her best to wring the water out.

Grabbing her clothes from the rock Pitou left them on, Y/N dresses before sitting next to them.

"I was under the assumption that only the royal guard and above would be born with the innate ability to use nen... yet you were able to sense my presence. You should really do the water divination test."

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