𝗗𝗮𝘄𝗻 || Kite x Gorgon!reader

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"You sure you'll be alright on your own?" Spin asks, eyeing Kite as he packs a large backpack in preparation for his voyage.

"Yeah, yeah. It promise I won't get myself killed." Kite responds halfheartedly, too preoccupied packing to properly reassure his concerned teammate. "I'm technically not even going to the Dark Continent, just an archipelago off the coast, so there's no guarantee there'll be any magical beasts."

"Just promise you'll be careful!" Spin warns, waving goodbye with the rest of the team as Kite departs from their headquarters.

He knew the journey ahead would be brutal, for there weren't many willing to charter someone to the Dark Continent. Kite's first stop was the Balsa Island Harbor where he'd meet his ride.

'You've got to be kidding me.' He thinks, mouth hanging agape and eye twitching as he stares at the little dingy tied to the end of the harbor.

"You must be Kite! The names Avery, I'll be your ride to wherever you need!" Avery chirps, a hidden motive laced in their words. Before Kite even has a chance to respond, Avery holds their hand out for Kite, motioning for payment.

Sighing dejectedly, he has no choice but to pay up, knowing well there wasn't going to be anyone else crazy enough to take him so close to the Dark Continent.

"We're headed due north." Kite says, busy climbing into the decrepit dingy.

"Aye aye, I know these seas better than anyone! Care for a sea shanty as we travel?" Avery exclaims, already taking a deep breath, ready to begin their song.

"No." Kite responds, tipping his hat to cover his face as he tries to sleep.

After a days travel, mostly in silence, Kite and Avery arrive at the rumored archipelago. "This is as far as I go, best o' luck!" Avery waves, eager to climb back into his boat and sail away.

"Thanks." Kite responds coolly, heaving his belongings out of the dingy and onto dry land. Once alone, Kite wastes no time in drawing up a map and getting used to his surroundings.

He finishes rather quickly and runs along the shores, an unsettling feeling resting at the bottom of his stomach.

'Ever since I've stepped foot on this island... I feel eyes on me... I'm being watched. But by who? Or what?!' Kite deliberates, taking a deep breath to regain his composure.

By nightfall he had drawn a comprehensive map of the shore of the island, figuring it to be fairly large as it took him all day to sprint around its perimeter. Unable to rest easy, Kite climbs up into a tall tree where he felt safe enough to sleep.

'He's finally stopped moving... but he hasn't noticed the baby Hellbell...'

Euryale lies in waiting, curiously watching the mysterious figure as he sleeps, interested to know if he had the strength to fend off one of the most feared animals on her island.

She jumps as the figure suddenly unleashes its aura, summoning what appeared to be a weapon as it became alerted of the Hellbell's presence as the snake aimed to attack.

Before the figure could sever its head, the snake manages to bite the figure's arm, its powerful poison seeping into the body.

'Hmph... couldn't even stop its bite... perhaps it's an outsider?'

Sneaking her way over to the now unconscious figure, Euryale peers at the body, the moonlight providing her with suitable enough lighting.

'Sister has told me tales about this species... man!' Euryale thinks, eyes going wide with the revelation. 'She says they're evil... but... he doesn't look so bad...'

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