The Ring

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She started to walk when she stepped on something. A sparkle glimmered out of the dirt. She bent down to pick it up when she was flashed back to a new memory. Classical music played in the background and the clinking of glasses filled the surrounding air. She watched herself sit next to Leo and she edged closer. Soon their hands were intwined and they stared into each others eyes. A sigh flew out of his lips as he stared. They were oblivious to the world. But he interrupted the moment.He slowly untangled their hands. He took a nervous breath then finally spoke. His voice shook as he said her name. He happily got down on one knee. Her eyes filled with tears and she gasped."Will you marry me? I know it's only been five years." he chuckled. "But I love you and I need you",he smiled. She stood almost knocking over her chair."I don't know what'll you give me for it?" He sunk down to the satin floor. He sat like a sad puppy."Of course I will."she says trying to show she was joking. "I know" , he says showing it was an act. They hugged and she ran to call her mother about the engagement. She pushed open the telephone booth door. She sat surrounded by gifts. Her stomach looked like it was about to pop. The mist form of herself wandered to a paper laying on the soft carpet. YOU ARE INVITED TO. The name had been covered by icing and of course she couldn't change that. For they were only memories. She continued to read. BABY SHOWER. She again turned towards the woman and saw herselfs gentle hand run across her stomach. A ring with a shimmering diamond lay on her ring finger. She went to hug her mother in the kitchen in the kitchen room. She pushed herself off the sofa and backed the door open. She stood taking in the sweet smell of flowers. Hummingbirds buzzed and birds chirped. Her white gown brushed on the ground. Leo stood across from her. A man in a purple robe with a cross designed sash over his shoulder spoke. She didn't pay attention she already knew what she'd agreed too. "I do!" , She cheered. "I do too!" , Leo chimed. " Well then kiss her already." the man announced. They did as told. She walked with him to the doors and she was back at the burning hell.

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