chapter 11

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- Macau POV -

My father bring me to the place that we locked Kinn up. When we arrived there, the bodyguard told us that Kinn is sleeping but my father just smile and start to talk with me.

"Son, i should leave you here for a while. I have some works to do. " my father patted on my back and smiled

"Alright." I said simply

"And one more thing.... Don't kill him. " my father laughed and walked away from there leaving me, the bodyguard and Kinn.

"You. You should take a rest a bit. I will take care of him a while" i said casually to the bodyguard

"Yes, young master" he said and walk away. Finally. It's only me and Kinn.

"Hey! Wake up" i said while kick his leg slowly and he opened his eyes.

"Macau? What are you doing here? Where's your cruel father huh? " he said coldly to me but i can't stand it so I punched his stupid face and start to torture him. After 1 hours tortured him, I felt satisfied. I'm not crazy or cruel enough seeing him in that condition so I walk away, takes some medicine, and a food that i packed from my home.

"Hey Kinn" i said and he turned his head looking at me.

"Hmm what? Wanna torture me again? You know what Macau? I never thought that you're crazy and hot headed like your father" he said chuckling and hissing because of the wound.

"You just realized that? Well I'm not torture you again so stay still" i said.

I walked slowly to him and put some bandage on his wound. He hissed in pain but I'm not done yet. There's so many wound at his body because of me so i treated his wound carefully.

"Here. Eat this and then eat the medicine alright?" I said and handing him a food that my mommy cooked and a medicine.

"Why you treat me like this? Why just don't let me die in the pain? I think i deserves all of this after what I have done to your mommy" he said slowly while eating the food.

"Yeah I know but everyone make mistakes you know? My family are not cruel enough to kill someone and yeah, is the food good? My mommy cooked it" i said to him

"It's good. Your father is s-so lucky to have him as his w-wife" he said and i could see a tears in his eyes. I don't know why but i felt pain in my chest seeing him crying.

"Yes, I and my father surely lucky enough to have mommy but you shouldn't cry about it okay? You wanna know something? " i said while comforting him

"W-what? " he said while wiping his tears.

"I have a baby brother now. His name is Veera and soooo hyper" i said and laughed a bit

"Congrats. You guys deserves a happiness meanwhile me... " he started to cry again and i hugged him.

"No Kinn.... Shhh don't think like that. Everyone deserves it. So do you okay? " i said still hugged him.

"T-thanks" he said and hugged me back.

"Well now, go takes some sleep. I guess you might be tired. " i said and smiled

"Alright" he let go of me and fall asleep beside me and I kissed his forehead and slowly fall asleep too....

- No one POV -

After Kinn and Macau falls asleep, Vegas came to picked Macau. He asked the bodyguard where's Macau and the bodyguard told him that his son is with Kinn. So, Vegas decided to go and see what's going on there but he just see a something make his heart soft. Macau and Kinn sleeping while holding hands. He noticed the bandage on Kinn body and he already knows what's happened while he's gone.

"That's cute. I want to kill Kinn so bad but now..... It doesn't matter anymore. I hope i can see them like this again. They're seem so perfect and peaceful..." Vegas said in his mind while smiling and told the bodyguard to take care of Kinn carefully because he knows Macau behavior so much....

- tbc -

A/N : hii again. I'm sorry if this chapter is short but i think i want to make Macau is a beta or omega so i hope you can suggest about it. I would appreciate your suggestion so much. And again, sorry if there's some of wrong spelling alr? See ya 💗!

Together (VegasPorsche) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora