CHAPTER 13: Raya Meets The Fortune Teller

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Day 1/3 Ongoing

Raya is silent, walking through the trees non stop footsteps.


Who Is It?! - Raya
It's me! - Fortune Teller
Huh? Who? - Raya
Do I know you? - Raya
No. - Fortune Teller
But I Know You - Fortune Teller
I know, everything about you as you ran away from your home you got kidnapped by King Monkey and you are now in a shock and everything. - Fortune Teller

How do you know all of this? Are you a spy or another kidnapper?! - Raya
No, Dear Raya I am not a kidnapper nor a spy. - Fortune Teller

*Raya Hesitates to ask Questions*

My dear, come with me let me show you different world than this.

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