Her friend, being bold as always, removed her hands and asked in a now hushed tone. But it was still audible enough for me to hear.

"Are you really ditching our long awaited plan just because your boyfriend invited you?"

"Well, we haven't seen each other for a while now...and we miss each other."

"You literally saw each other yesterday."

My brain went deep in thought after hearing their conversation. So my plan of being friends with him won't secure them seeing each other frequently. This was harder than I thought.

Look, I'm no expert when it comes to social interactions or relationships since I basically lived as a loner up until now. After doing a lot of thinking on the weekend, I decided to befriend him. He talks to me already comfortably so I'll just use that to my advantage.

But after hearing these girls' conversation, it looks like it still had some setbacks. Though it makes me question as to why it had to be that way, aren't friends always supposed to have each other or something?



"When you're dating, you'd always want to be with that person no matter the time or day. It's like your day won't be complete if you don't see them."

"God, what a lovesick fool."

My brows shot up at that. So that's how it was. I guess it makes sense since my parents are also like that too. There were days where only the two of them would go out leaving the three of them with grandma.

But it's not like I can just blurt out that I want to go out with him. That would be embarrassing!

However, it's not like I have a choice anyways. I need to find a way to monitor his lifespan. Once I discover what causes it to change that much, I'll end things with him. Maybe along the way, I can figure out how to save myself even. I need to survive.

So time to change my plan then, though before I can put that plan into action I need to meet him at least once in this train ride.

Let's hope tomorrow I will be given the chance.


As if the gods heard my wish, I saw the very person I have been waiting for a week. I kept my eyes on him hoping that our eyes would meet that will prompt him to sit beside me so I can take a look at his lifespan.

C'mon look at me!

"Oh hey, is this seat taken?"

I quickly shook my head and offered the seat right away. My eyes still lingered at him eager to make eye contact.

Once he got comfortable in his seat, he turned to me and smiled brightly. I had to look away for a bit because he was glowing. I think I have to wear glasses when I look at him.

Has he always been this bright?

"So how have you been? It's been a long time since I bumped into you."

My eyes turned back to him again and immediately the numbers started appearing. It was taking a long time before they settled on a number which is no surprise to me now since that's the reason why I am talking to this person anyway.

"Hello?" He snapped his fingers at my face to catch my attention. I blinked and faked a cough to hide my flustered face, "Sorry, something just caught my eye."

"What is it?"

Your lifespan. Like hell I can actually tell him that. Instead, I rubbed the back of my neck and looked for something that I could use as an excuse. Luckily my eyes immediately caught on the bandage on his forehead that is partially hidden by his hair.

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