[30] Ethan

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Book- Male Reader Gif Series
Word Count- 330
Tv Show- Legacies

Book- Male Reader Gif Series Word Count- 330Tv Show- Legacies

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Ethan when you wouldn't tell him why you're breaking up. You were a witch, a pretty powerful one at that. So you knew falling for a human was dangerous but something about Ethan made you comfortable, comfortable enough to take a chance. Which you soon regretted when he almost got killed by a monster. You and Hope lucky killed it before it got to Ethan but the thought still haunted you. Ethan could've died because of you. So you made the tough decision of cutting ties.

"(Name)?!" Ethan yelled while lightly shaking me. I looked at him with an apologetic look, "Sorry, I was thinking about something." Ethan nodded in understanding before a look of worry washed over him. "So why'd you call me here?" You didn't want to speak, truly. You didn't want to break your lover's heart but it was the best thing for him.

"Ethan... we should break up." The words you had dreaded finally released themselves from your mouth. You couldn't bear to look at your lover's face. "Why?" Ethan's words came out shaky but he managed to say them nonetheless. You wanted to tell him everything but you knew it was far too dangerous. However, your mind wouldn't let your mouth move.

"Can you at least give me an explanation?" (Gif above) You simply kept your mouth shut. You wanted to tell him how sorry you were and everything about the magic world. Yet, you had people to look after including Ethan.

"That's it (last name)? After everything we've done.. this is how you end things? Without giving me an explanation as to why." Words couldn't describe how angry Ethan was but he knew he had to leave before he got any angrier. So he stood up, hood on and hands in his pocket.

"I loved you (Name), I really do." With that, he walks off leaving you with your thoughts and sorrow.

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