[22] MG

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Book- Male Reader Gif Series
Word Count- 300
Tv Show- Legacies

Book- Male Reader Gif Series Word Count- 300Tv Show- Legacies

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Mg, when you asked him out. You and Mg's relationship is complicated, to say the least. You both consider yourselves very close friends yet you both like each other. The twist was you both knew you liked each other. You confessed before you left for summer vacation. After you quickly left scared of the response.

After summer ended, however, you tried to forget about all of it. Every time Mg tried to bring it up you either left or made an excuse to leave. You were extremely scared of his response to your confession. That was until one day Lizzie told you Mg confess to liking you to her.

It's been 1week since Lizzie told that information and you still can't seem to get the guts to ask him. "I swear if you don't walk up to him and asked him out I'm going to make you." Lizzie appeared behind you.

"It's not that easy Lizzie." You responded head in hand while staring at Mg across the room. "Yes, it is. You like him, he likes you. Why must you make it so difficult." Lizzie questioned sitting on the small side of the table that's not cluttered with all your books. "What do I even say." You asked back. "That you will like a date, that's it," Lizzie responded.

"Your right." You forced as you push the seat back and practically march your way across the room to Mg. He turned and smiled at you. "Hey." Then you immediately froze. "For the love of everything holy," Lizzie mumbled annoyed. She mumbled a quick spell that finally gets you talking.
"Can I take you out on a date?" You practically yell.

"I mean yeah sure." Mg smiled and then walked off. (Gif above)

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