3: When Two Words Collide, It's a Beautiful Thing But Not In This Case

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Ever since that dreaded class, Ushijima wasn't able to even touch that beloved seat of his because Y/n was always there.

Every class he'd walk in, thinking he was earlier than the female, but she'd just sit there with a smug look on her face.

A face of victory against Ushijima.

This irritated him because of one factor and one factor only.

Ushijima Wakatoshi never loses.

No matter how big or small, no matter how stupid. He was always number 1.

To make matters worse, he had to work with the girl who made his blood pressure skyrocket.

"You look more tense than usual, Wakatoshi-kun." Tendou pointed out as he stood in front of the much bigger male, "Your face is scaring people."

The red head gestured to all the people around that shuddered when Ushijima looked in their direction

"Is something bothering you?" Tendou asked in order to prompt the male.

Just then Ushijima's eye landed on a certain female that made his blood boil. She was at her locker, putting some textbooks away

Tendou followed the gaze of his best friend and he instantly giggled, "Wakatoshi-kun's got a crush, Wakatoshi-kun's got a crush~" He sang wiggling his upper body side to side.

"I am not infatuated with her." Wakatoshi stated, looking at Satori as a sign that he was serious, "She infuriates me."

His fiery red eyes widen a bit whilst looking at the bigger male. He then smirked as he said his next few words, "My My! Isn't this a rare sight? A girl has you feeling things, huh?"

Ushijima turned to walk away to head to the cafeteria when Tendou nudged him which made him stop "Hey, watch this." he said in a hushed tone, "Y/n-chan! Over here!"

This alarmed Wakatoshi and if it wasn't for his stoic face, everyone could have seen him with a face of confusion

The outburst of his energetic friend grabbed the h/c haired girl.

She saw him immediately and closed her locker nearing to him, it was only when she got closer her eyes averted to the larger male beside him.

Her smile turned into a slight scowl

"Ah, Tendou-san. May I ask what you're doing with wall-san?" Y/n asked.

Satori erupted of laughter from the nickname of Ushijima which made his eyes water within seconds.

"Wakatoshi-kun and I happen to be best buds." He explained once he gathered his composure.

"Wouldn't it be easier to friends with a rock?" The female asked with a raised brow.

Satori's eyes fluttered in amusement as the two glared at each other, wondering what the bigger male would say in response.

"You have issues with Literature but have none when it comes to insulting me?" Ushijima bluntly stated. He stood tall and strong, not wavering under the female's threatening aura.

Tendou wasn't in conflict with her but even him felt slightly intimidated.

Y/n slapped a hand over her chest, her scowl turning into a fake and spiteful smile, "Have you been paying attention to me, wall-san?"

Her tone was sweet, but anyone can tell it was a tone of teasing as well.

The red head giggled, easing the tension in the air, "Now, now, now." he said wrapping his slender arms around the shoulders of the two, "You guys need to get along because now you both have something in common."

Y/n raised a brow in response to this as she looked to Satori waiting for him to elaborate.

"Me!" Tendou exclaimed whilst simultaneously craning his next to look to Wakatoshi and Y/n, "Eat lunch with us, Y/n-chan!"

The girl smiled gently at his enthusiasm towards her, but she also realized the stares that she was receiving from mostly females.

Y/n believed it was because she was conversing with Tendou, a member of the volleyball club which the school was preciously known for.

Not knowing it was because she stood captivating the attention of volleyball club members who were praised for their good looks as much as their skills in the sport.

To avoid much attention, the girl politely declined, "Sorry, Tendou-san. Maybe another time."

With that, she didn't give the boys time to speak in turn as she spun lightly on her heels towards the opposite direction and started walking.

Ushijima in turn walked in the opposite direction of the female, heading towards the cafeteria.

Too entranced in watching Y/n walk away, it took a while for the red head to realize he was getting left behind.

Once in the cafeteria, Ushijima and Tendou met up with some friends from the club to eat with, as they do every day.

"So, you're telling me." Shirabu Kenjiro started, pausing to munch on some grapes, "There's someone who stands up to Ushijima-kun?"

"You mean someone who doesn't tolerate him?" Ohira Reon lightly chuckled whilst nudging the male in mention.

"And it's a girl?" Goshiki Tsutomu interjected, a little too excited at that.

"That's the only part that grabbed your attention, huh?" Semi Eita rolled his eyes at the black-haired male.

"I think you've found your soul mate, Wakatoshi-kun." Tendou teased with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Oi!" Semi scolded towards the beaming red head, "You don't say stuff like that."

Wakatoshi seeing that he had enough of his friends and finished his lunch, he stood to his feet; his friends watching him do so.

The male walked away without a word. Honestly, they had no idea is Ushijima was upset or just wanted to leave.

He wasn't one to speak his feelings or anything in specific really. Ushijima was just a closed book that no one knew how to open; more like he didn't allow anyone to.

He decided to take the long way to the gymnasium that no one took really. In doing so his piercing eyes wondered about the scenery of his school.

Some sat at benches, conversing with their friends and eating lunch, some rode horses near the stable in the distance, some just even walked around, laughing with their peers.

The slight crunching of the tiny pebbles and stones that made contact with his feet as he walked stopped when he spotted someone.

A h/c haired girl under a Sakura tree that was almost hidden from view near the gym.

She sat peacefully under, on the clean fresh grass reading a book; her back was slightly slouched as her face was practically buried in the book she was indulged in.

The male could see some of the leaves had fallen on her hair.

Ushijima huffed and averted his eyes immediately while his frown deepened upon the mere sight of the girl who made his blood boil.

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