Healthy Flirting!

Start from the beginning

Bhavesh: *sigh* But...... What if you fall for him..! You have already seen his other side and I bet if you start to know him more.... I am afraid you will fall for him....

Avneet: Well...... in that case....! Go and click the file on my laptop screen..... that says exit.!

(What.??? I went back to her laptop and after minimizing the Siddharth's picture when I took a good look on her screen there was a file named exit.! I opened it and was shocked again.!!!)

Bhavesh: You serious.???

Avneet: Hell yeah.!

Bhavesh: You have a whole plan worked out han.?? But Neet.!! I am still worried.! That might end up you being hurt again and this time.... Your Beera will kill me.!!!

Avneet: *chuckle* He sure will.!!! But that's when and if I fell for him.!!! The chances are very minimal cz now I know neither him nor me are planning to go for any serious relationship or love.! It will be ok.....
Also if my Beera Jill's you I promise I will give the best funeral for you.!!!! (She said with chuckle..... She can't be serious right now.!!!!)

Bhavesh: Lemme ask you something..... How come this sudden change.???

Avneet: Change.??? Bro you know I am like this.... Well.... I have been like this since I moved to US..!!! Besides the more I try to suppress my real self the more I am pushing myself to think his flirting into something else.! From past couple of days that's what I have learned from my own behavior..... He does something and I just start getting all flustered and blush and my brain cells will start getting weird thoughts that I am not ready to accept at all.!!

Bhavesh: So you decided to flirt back.?

Avneet: C'mon yaar Bhav.! It's just..... Let's keep it in a proper way.... Instead of flirting.! I would say I will talk bold now.!! And who said that that's the only thing we will be doing? It's just that when he will flirt I will flirt back.! That's all..! No more blushing and other ridiculous stuff.! I am still the Assistant Manager and I am still the "Ghost Writer" of this group.!!

(While we were talking we heard a knock on the door....)

Avneet: Come in...

Faisu: C'mon guys..... Dinner is ready.... And we have someone who wants to meet you Avneet.!

Avneet: Me.??? Who.???

Bhavesh: Was your Beera gonna come??(God he will kill me.! Did the #Sidneet rumors reached him too.???)

Avneet: No... I didn't receive any message or call regarding that..... You go ahead I will change and come.!! I need to wear something comfy.!

Bhavesh: Cool... see you downstairs..

(I left saying that with still doubts in my head.!! I hope they don't end up hurting each other..!!)

End of Bhavesh's POV

Avneet's POV

(Bhavesh left closing the door and I sat on the bed.! I am doing right.! Right.??? I mean all this time trying to just deny and holding back has lead me to take his flirting in very wrong way.! And as per Bhavesh's talk.... He isn't serious at all... then better to go with the flow and talk bold then hold back.... I freaking loved in US.!!! That's how I lived there.... Better to get that AK back in action.!!! I am sure this time it won't let me hurt myself cz I know nothing is serious and that way Beera won't be mad either.!!!!

Aaahh.... Ok. Now time to change.!!!

After changing into my Pjs I went downstairs.... And saw two girls sitting in the living room.!! Who are they.???
As I was about to reach there they both turned towards me and one of them ran to me and wrapped me in a warm hug.!!!
Aww... strange I usually don't like if strangers touch me... but her hug..... it felt like home.!!!! And subconsciously my hands wrapped around her too.!!!
She broke the hug and smiled looking at my knowing questionable expressions.!!!)

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