Chapter 1: The Curse of Mr. World-Wide

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"Knight Cookie, do you know where the TV remote is?" Called a feminine voice from the distance. Knight Cookie sighed to himself, trying his best to not seem absolutely annoyed. "It's....It's in your hand, your highness." He replied, in the most polite way he could. "Ohhhhhh!" said Princess Cookie. This is the third time today that this has happened, Princess Cookie had "lost" something that was right in front of her. It happened this morning when she was cooking pancakes and she "lost" the spatula by the time it needed to get flipped. Guess where the spatula was? In her hand. This almost resulted in very sad, burnt pancakes, and the kitchen SOMEHOW getting set on fire. The second time this has happened was when she was cutting open a package that had arrived with janky scissors. Guess who forgot that the scissors were in her own hands and almost stabbed herself in the face? Yep, you guessed it! Her great highness. Luckily, the third time of this happening didn't almost result in danger, so there was that. "AAAH-" Shouted Princess Cookie as she trips over a cable, almost face planting herself into the carpet before catching herself.

Well...nevermind then. Do you now see why Princess Cookie needs a bodyguard? Though this can be a very mentally, and heck, even physically exhausting job at times. Actually, no, ALL the time; at least recently it has been. He knows that Princess Cookie needs someone to look after her, but he also knows that he desperately needs time off his job to actually focus on himself for once. To add to the overstimulation, there is a very loud and obnoxious party going down somewhere downstairs in the castle. Muffled sounds of cookies talking, yelling, playing early 2010s Pitbull songs, and maybe even knocking over pots and pans and possibly breaking stuff were heard from downstairs. 'God, it's 9:35pm and They're STILL going at it? It's been going on since noon' Knight Cookie thought to himself.

It was already getting pretty late, and everyone in the castle (except for the very loud party animals downstairs) were just about ready to at least attempt to go to bed. So Knight Cookie, Princess Cookie, and a few other background characters no one cares about, headed to their rooms. By the time Knight Cookie made it to his bedroom, the loud music was starting to get a little more muffled and quiet (just a little). He slipped his armor off, revealing his favorite "Keep Calm and Spaghetti Clamp" T-shirt and plain white pants. He then crawled into his foam castle fort (that he built himself), and got ready to go to sleep.....A loud bang was heard from downstairs as a random cookie shouted "LET'S GET CRUNKED BOIS!!!" Or, not.... Since he couldn't get to sleep, for obvious reasons, he just sat in his fort in deep thought. 'I really need to ask Hollyberry Cookie for at least a day or two off, but, when will be a good time to ask her? What if she says no? Who will cover for me?' He's been thinking about this for awhile now, he's attempted to do it before, but he chickened out. But maybe this time, he will get the time off he deserves. But first, he must sleep. "I'M GETTING FRIIIICKED UP" Shouted a cookie from downstairs, followed by the sound of glass breaking. Well....if he can.

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