The Cricket Game pt 2

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"There wasn't any witnesses," (Y/n) said, looking at him, confused.

"Well, that's not strictly true, now, is it?" Gold says, and looks at their bewildered faces. "Get the dog, Pongo. He was the only one to see it." David lets out a sigh before going out and getting Pongo from Marco, who was watching him for the moment. When David brought back Pongo, Gold was surprisingly attending to the dog, bringing him over and petting him, smiling down at the animal as he knelt in front of him.

Belle gave a small chuckle and said, "I didn't know you were such a dog person."

"Well, a long time ago, in another life, I got to know a sheepdog or two," Gold said, Pongo trying to lick his face.

"That's fascinating, but unless you speak dog, how is Pongo gonna tell us anything?" Emma questioned, uninterested in Gold's past.

"Through magic, of course," Gold said, the way obvious. "It won't allow us to communicate, but it will allow us to extract his memories."

"Extract?" David repeated in a worried tone as (Y/n) stepped a bit closer.

"You don't have to worry. He won't feel a thing," Gold assured them.

"How do we know you're not going to use magic to let us see what you want us to see?" (Y/n) asked him, crossing her arms over her chest and scrutinizing him.

"Because I'm not going to be the one using magic," Gold stated, and (Y/n) raised her eyebrow at him as he turned and pointed at Emma. "You are."

"Me?" Emma said, looking at him disbelieving. "How?"

"You have it within you. Told me so yourself," Gold said as he walked to a cabinet and opened it, referring to when Emma almost had her heart ripped out in the Enchanted Forest. Looking over at Mary Margaret and (Y/n), he said, "You witnessed it, didn't you?

"Emma, you don't have to do this," Mary Margaret said, looking warily from Gold to her daughter.

"If it tells us something about Archie's death, then so be it," Emma replied, and looked over to see Gold taking a circular object out of his cabinet.

"Do you know what this is?" Gold said, and held it up. (Y/n) saw that it was one of those cheap dreamcatchers you could buy for a couple bucks at a gift shop.

"A dreamcatcher,"

Gold let out a slight chuckle as he held up the catcher and said, "Oh, it's capable of catching so much more."

Gold clicked his tongue to Pongo to get the dog closer, before running the feathers of the dreamcatcher from Pongo's head to his tail, a glow beginning to emanate from the strings of the catcher. A swirl of gold lit from the circle of the catcher, and they all looked in awe of the sparkling dreamcatcher. "What is that?" Belle asked.

"Memories," he answered, and brought the dreamcatcher to Emma as he said, "Now, Miss Swan, you show us how."

"How? It's just a jumble," she said.

"Will it. Will it and we shall all see."

Emma hesitated before taking the dreamcatcher and holding it out in front of herself. After a few moments of concentration, she said, "I can't."

"Yes, you can," Gold, and Emma nodded her head before turning back to the dreamcatcher.

Closing her eyes, everyone looked closer as the dreamcatcher glowed brighter, an image of Archie being shown in the circle of the catcher. "Emma, you're doing it," David said in awe as (Y/n) looked past his shoulder at her sister's gift of magic.

"Now, to see what happened," (Y/n) whispered, more to herself than anyone, but Mary Margaret put her hand on her daughter's shoulder as they watched.

Archie walked from his desk to the door, and when he opened it, Regina stood there with a strange grin on her face. He welcomed her in and closed the door, and Pongo's eyes followed him as he walked to his file cabinet. When Archie turned, Regina was suddenly behind him, and she reached up and grabbed his neck tightly, forcing him up from the ground. (Y/n) put her hand over her mouth as Mary Margaret let out a gasp and turned into David. A smoke surrounded Archie and Regina before the image disappeared, Emma dropping the dreamcatcher.

Only Her: OUAT/Killian JonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora