As they walked through the Greenhouse, Mr. Molina explained everything that they were seeing there and even explaining the process of growing plants in a controlled inviroment. If Valerie was being honest, she was only half listening to their teacher since all three of the Cullen-Hale siblings were telling her even more information about everything in there, throwing in some of their personal encounters with a specific type of plant.

At some point they got separated, Edward was now somewhere behinde Valerie and Jasper while Alice was God knows where, probably seeing if she can have or buy a plant or two for her room.

As the couple walked through the Greenhouse, they laughed at Mr. Molina chasing after Tyler who grabbed the compost tea from him. They passed by Bella who glanced at them but didn't say anything and Valerie only sent her sister a small smile. Just as they passed her, Jasper grabbed a small white flower, that was on a table and handed it to Valerie.

"A pretty flower for a pretty lady." Valerie rolled her eyes at the cheesy pick up line but took the flower from him before kissing his cheek.

"Thank you Jas."

After finishing the tour, the two went to get their jackets before beggining their search for Alice.

"How much you wanna bet that the people that work here just loved her and she got a plant to bring home?" Valerie looked towards Jasper with a smile on her face as she waited for his answer, "I'm not even gonna bet with you because knowing Alice, you are completly right."

After a few minutes of walking around they finally found her, talking to a lady that clearly worked there and as she said her goodbyes to the lady, the couple approached her.

"Look what I got!" Alice held up the 2 plastic bags that each had 2 plants in them. The couple looked at eachother as they shared a small laugh.

"They're beautiful Alice. Let's go back to the bus now."

The small vampire nodded her head as she lead the way out. Once they got outside they saw Bella and Edward by one of the buses talking, they shared a look as they slowly made their way over to the two but before that Valerie was stopped by Eric to show her a worm.

"Hey Vals, look, it's a worm!" the boy held up the stick that had the worm on it, "I can see that Eric, it's...nice." he giggled happily as he walked back towards his friends.

Valerie looked at Jasper and Alice who were amused by the whole situation.

"Are those really things that make a teenage boy happy these days?"

The two shrugged as they countinued their way towards the bus. Alice went a bit in front of Jasper and Valerie as she approached Bella and Edward. Valerie decided not to seperate from Jasper, just in case he needed her.

"Hi! Are you gonna be riding with us?" Alice looked towards Bella with a bright smile but before she could answer, Edward answered for her, "No, our bus is full." with one last look towards the younger Swan twin, he knocked on the bus door for the driver to open it.

He went inside instantly with Alice soon following after but not before giving Bella an apologetic smile. Jasper was the next one to enter the bus, only glancing at Bella as he waited for his girlfriend at the steps since she decided to approach her sister.

"Ignore Edward, he's in a mood today."

Taking her twin's hand and giving it a squeeze, she grabbed Jasper's outstretched hand as she got into the bus and went to their seats. Once they got back to the school, Valerie decided to go home with Bella, wanting to make amends.

She wishes, she didn't. Why you may ask? Well, Valerie just had to witness the most awkward interaction between her own sister and father.

After talking with Charlie for a bit, Valerie decided to go up to her room to rest. The poor girl almost had a heart attack when she saw Jasper laying on her bed reading one of the many books she had in her room.

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