Season 2: Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

After breakfast you headed up to your room to change. You were kind of excited to show the boys a part of your work. You never got to show off what you had done for yourself so it was going to be really cool to do so. You began pulling an outfit from your closet when Kenji came busting through your door. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked,  marching across your  bedroom floor. "About to get dressed. Ever heard of knocking?" You asked, quiet shocked at his behavior. "No not that. What are you doing inviting them to the club?" He asked again, reaching down to pet Duke who was circling him. "They seemed interested so I offered." You answered as you finished laying out your outfit on your bed. "I thought you were going to keep your time with them limited?" Kenji continued, upset about the situation. You sighed, realizing this wasn't going to calm him down at all. "Look Kenji, at one point those were my friends. Shoot me for enjoying having other people beside you and Kaede to hang out with."  You said as you gathered your clothes and walked into the bathroom to change. "You have girls night with the girls from Crush." He stated, keeping his spot in the bedroom. "Once a month, and we're aren't friends like that." You said through the closed door as you got dressed. "I'm just getting worried Y/N." Kenji said, pacing. "I know Kenji but just chill out. I'm fine, everything is fine. Just let me enjoy this a little please." You pleaded with him. You could hear a sigh through the door as you finished putting on your outfit. "I'm still keeping my eye on Mikey."He said, a sound of defeat in his voice. You opened the door, stepping out in your outfit for the day.

"Really?" Kenji asked, as he stared at you

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"Really?" Kenji asked, as he stared at you. "What?" You asked, heading to put on some earrings from your jewelry box. "You're gonna wear that?  I know for sure he is going to be looking now." Kenji shook his head. You laughed at him and how protective he was. "Kenji stop. Go wait for me downstairs please." You chuckled at him. "Fine." He groaned like a small child before heading back out to the hallway. "What am I going to do with those boys?" You said, looking down at Duke who had taken residency in his usually spot on your bed. Today was going to be quiet an eventful one.



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"Good evening Ms. L/N. Nice of you to stop by." The bouncer at the front entrance of Crush greeted you as you exited the vehicle, followed by Kenji and Kaede. "Good evening to you as well, Ryota." You said to him, giving him a big smile. "What brings you here today? Business?" He asked. "No not today. I'm actually showing some old friends around." You explained as you gestured to the two cars pulling in behind yours. Kenji and Kaede refused to have anyone from Toman ride with with the three of you so you were forced to take 3 separate vehicles due to their stubbornness. The boys slowly started pouring out of the vehicles, joining you at the front entrance. "Boys this is Ryota. He has been the bouncer here since before I took over. Ryota these are my friends." You said, giving a quick introduction. "Any friends of Ms. L/N's are always welcome here. Please go on in." Ryota said, motioning for you and the others to enter.

The music was loud as you entered, so loud it rattled through your chest. The neon lights across the ceiling and walls illuminated the room in a soft sexy hue of blues and purples. There were people crowded around tables and bar to enjoy the half dressed women that were everywhere and the good booze. Crush was known for having the most beautiful ladies around, and there was no denying it. "Y/N!" A tall blonde squealed as she ran over to you, embracing you in a hug. "Hi, Hana." You laughed, trying to keep your balance from the sneak attack. Within seconds you were bombarded with three other girls. "We missed you." One of them said. "You don't come see us anymore." Said another girl. "I was just here last week." You laughed. A relationship with the girls was top priority. You wanted them to feel safe and able to talk to you no matter what the situation was. Which in return made you almost like a den mother to them. "Has everything being going okay? Any problems" You asked them. "It's been pretty good." Hana replied. "Well, except Katie pushed a guy backwards out of his chair the other night." One of the girls said. "Ooooh yeah, he hit the floor hard, we thought he had cracked his skull open." The other girl joined in. "Wait, why did she push him out of the chair?" You asked, confused at what was going on. "He told her she smelled like vanilla and daddy issues." Hana said. "Ugggghhhh. That's all? I'll have a talk to her." You groaned. These girls were always causing some type of trouble. "Oh wait, before I forget. Girls, these are my friends." You said introducing the girls to the aw struck boys, eyes almost bulging out of their heads. The girls gave a sweet "hello" in unison. The boys replied with soft Hi's and Hello's. It was almost like having kids there for the first time. "They are cute." One of the girls whispered to you. "Shut up, get out of here. I'll talk to you later." You shooed away the giggling girls. "Sorry about that, lets grab a seat in the back." You said as you gestured to a wrap around couch, with a table in the middle.

You all made it to the private section and took a seat, you sat on the end as Kenji and Kaede sat to your right. One of the waitress came by and took your drink orders shortly after. "How's my favorite girl?" A sly voice said as someone approached from behind you. You recognized the voice, you also noticed the almost angry faces that were displayed on the other's faces. "Don't you have work to do Hanma?" You said turning to look at the tall man, his hair tousled in front of his face, his round glasses reflecting the lights. "I always have work to do for you don't I." He smirked as he leaned over, placing a hand on your shoulder. You quickly shoved it off you. "Don't touch me." You said sternly. He smiled as he leaned further into you. "That's not what you always say now is it?" He whispered. Within seconds you had grabbed onto his tie pulling it so hard you could hear him gasp as the knot slid up to his throat. You could hear the sounds of feet hitting the floor as all the men at the table had stood up, ready to beat Hanma into the ground. You put up a hand to motion for them to stay where they were. Granted you were a woman but you didn't need protecting, and would not have a man or anyone handle what you could on your own. "If you ever talk out of line to me again I will have Kenji and Kaede dispose of you under a bridge somewhere. I took you out of the streets and I will put you back in a garbage bag. Now get back to work." You growled, watching as Hanma struggled to breath, his face turning a red color. You let go of his tie and used your other hand to push him backwards, almost putting him on his ass. He scrambled for his tie, pulling the knot down out of his throat. He laughed as he composed himself. "If looks could kill." He continued to laugh as he walked off. "I wish they would." You muttered.

You turned your attention back to the table, noticing all of the shocked faces surrounding you. They had never seen that side of you, and you could tell that they were a little taken back by it. "Sorry about that. Now, while we are all here is there anything you would like to know?" You quickly tried to lighten the mood by changing the subject in an attempt to get everyone's minds off of what had just happened. "How did you become the leader of the White Wolves?" Mikey asked without hesitation, his eyes locked on you already searching your face for answers. You stared back at him for a few seconds, almost as if you were to nervous to answer him. You never had too explain your whole story to anyone. Kaede and Kenji already knew of course but other than that you had never let anyone else in. You could either give them the watered down version or the full truth. The watered down version had worked for business partners in the past but these boys knew you. They would know if you were lying. You sighed. "Fine, I'm gonna need my glass of wine first." you replied, preparing to lay it all out on the table.

Boom! Another chapter! Monday will be a full backstory on how Y/N got to where she is now. Hope you enjoyed.

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