chapter 8

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Ed tried hitting the chain of the cuffs to the wall, hoping to break it

"That won't work.."

"Well I'm going to try!"

He continued to hit it, just trying to keep hope
Bruce got sadder and sadder everytime he hit it. And ed eventually gave up, sighing sadly.

"im sorry ed."



"That's vague"

He sighed and heard Gordon yelling for him.

"If your going to apologize at least know what for.."

He slowly took his hands off ed and backed away.
Ed slid down the wall and put his head in his knees once he was all the way down

Bruce walked out of the ally way and was met with jim gordon

"I couldn't find him gordon"

"do you have any ideas on where he may be, then? did he leave any clues at the apartment?" Gordon asked

"no there was no clues. it's like he wasn't even there"

"Alright thanks for trying" Gordon sighed and walked away while Bruce walked back into the allyway

"Why did you do that.."

He took a second before he looked up quickly and looked at the Ed's face

"i dont know why i didnt that. i dont have a answer."

"So your just letting me go?.. "


Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

a sweet tale with bat and riddles (riddlebat story) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang