Into The Woods

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"Are you sure? I got a cannon." MG tells her

"Good." Lizzie says. "Because the farther you throw that ball, the farther this little guy's gonna have to phase to get it."

"And then the quicker this experiment will be done." MG says. "Sounds good to me." Sadie shoots a look at Lizzie to see her sigh slightly. MG throws the ball and the Pukwudgie phases away. Lizzie begins to walk. "Wait, where are you going? Won't it just fetch?" MG asks

"It's not a trained dog, MG, but there's a bright side, going after it will give us plenty of time to get to the bottom of why you're mad at me." Lizzie says

"Lizzie, for the last time, I am not mad at you." MG tells her

"Do I really need to be here for this?" Sadie questions

"Yes." Lizzie tells Sadie. "And, tell that to the ball, MG." Lizzie says, referring to how far and hard he threw the ball

"Okay, fine, into the woods." MG says and the group makes their way into the woods

"That's the spirit." Lizzie says. "And in that same spirit, I have compiled a comprehensive list of all the reasons you might be mad at me, in ascending order according to severity."

"Oh lord." Sadie mumbles as they walk


"Was that triggering?" Lizzie asks after yet another one of the items she asks MG about

"Not at all, like the other hundred things you've asked me about." MG tells her

"We're only on item 62." Lizzie says

"It's been a long walk." Sadie mumbles as Lizzie continues to speak

"Speaking of, I once told you comic books were for people with baby brains." Lizzie says. "I warned you that these are in ascending order."

"It's all good, but you know what isn't? I tossed that ball into a super public space." MG says as the group nears a park

"Then let's just cut to the chase." Lizzie says. "I tried to kill Hope."

"But you didn't." MG tells her as Sadie stands next to the two, surveying the area. "Plus, you were grieving."

"And then she actually killed me, and I lied to you about it." Lizzie says

"You were sire-bonded." MG tells her

"Then, making matters worse, I died with vampire blood I stole from the school in my system." Lizzie says. "Turned me into a Heretic."

"It, uh, happens to the best of us." MG says with a shrug

"Then what is it? I know you, Milton Greasley." Lizzie says

"Or maybe you're just wrong." MG tells her

"Or maybe you're just being stubborn, and dragging this out, making me feel even worse than I already do." Lizzie says

"I would never do that." MG promises. "But if you know me so well, how could you make a list that long and still not know what's bothering me? Much less do it in the first place?"

"So there is something." Lizzie says

"Right. Fine. But it's not what you think. So, let's just find our missing monster and go home, okay?" MG says

"Yeah, about that." Sadie says, pointing forward to where the Pukwudgie is phasing in and out around people and people are screaming

"He's a show dog!" Lizzie exclaims to the people. "Super rare!" She looks at MG. "Do you want to compel them, or should I?" The Pukwudgie phases over to the group of three, drops the ball, and falls over. "Good boy. That's how you play dead."

Sadie Auburn //Book Four// - Legacies (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant