I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You

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3rd Person POV

"You're finally up." MG says as him and Sadie walk into the werewolf transition cellars. "I know we're supposed to be starving you out and all, but... I know what that hunger feels like, and in my experience, it only makes things worse." Hope turns around and there's a glint in her eye. A glint that doesn't go unnoticed

"Hope?" Sadie asks in a whisper, her own eyes glinting with hope

"I'm so sorry." Hope whispers to the two standing in front of her

Sadie smiles widely, tears pricking her eyes, before she rushes over to the bars

"All that matters is that you're here because we sure need you." MG says

"How can you even think that after everything that I've said?" Hope asks. "The things I've done. To you, Sades." She says, looking at Sadie. "What I did to Lizzie."

"Lizzie also came back, and she's done some things, too." MG says

"What kind of things?" Hope asks

"She's been avoiding everyone, but from what I can gather, she may have helped Ben raise his father." MG says

"Yeah, and I don't really care about anything other than you right now." Sadie says before she looks at MG. "Go grab the keys and so we can get her out of here."

"No, you can't." Hope stops the two. "If you let me out, you're gonna be letting her out, too."

"Who?" MG asks as Sadie turns her head, taking a step back from the bars

"My dark side." Hope says. "You see, I'm, um, in control of my body, but not my mind. I think she's still here somewhere, so you can't let me out until I know that she's gone for good."

"Then how do we get rid of her?" Sadie asks

"That's what I have to figure out." Hope says

"I'll grab you a few more of these." MG says, placing a blood bag on the floor of the cell

"Oh, and, uh, more clothes." Hope says. "Something a little less..."

"Terminator-Hope?" MG asks

"Yeah." Hope says with a laugh

"You bet." Sadie says with a smile before her and MG make their way out of the basement

'So close.' No-Humanity-Hope says

Hope turns around. "Did you really think disappearing for a bit would make me believe you were gone for good?" She asks

'It was worth a shot.' No-Humanity-Hope says. 'I'm not worried. It's only a matter of time before I walk out of here.'


"Were you gonna say something, or you just gonna stand there and look emo?" Hope questions as she finishes off a blood bag

'Nice try. I know what you're doing.' No-Humanity-Hope says. 'You think if you can get me talking, you can figure out why I'm still here. Pass. If you need a sounding board to figure out your little problem, you're gonna have to look elsewhere. And good luck with that because I doubt everyone's gonna be as forgiving as MG and Sadie, so... you're on your own for this one, kiddo.'

And then, Lizzie walks in. "Hey. Can we talk?" Lizzie questions. And she debriefs Hope on the whole situation, the girl listening with her hand to her head with a headache from listening to the rambling. "So you see my problem. Everyone is gonna think 'sire bond' is just an excuse because they have no idea how intense it can be because none of them have ever had one."

Sadie Auburn //Book Four// - Legacies (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now