Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

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3rd Person POV

"You ready for something to eat?" A waitress asks at a diner

"Can't you see my brain is on fire?" Aurora says. "I'm inspired. Drawing connections to all these things your minuscule mind couldn't possibly fathom. Though, to be fair, the inspiration I stole from that muse has been waning with every thought and passing minute. It's nearly gone."

"And you will be, too, if you don't order food." The waitress snarks

"You know, I could go for a bite." Aurora says, her eyes going vampire

"Bite me." Lizzie says, walking over. "Sorry, do you mind giving me and my friend a moment? She's just a little..." The waitress leaves and Lizzie sits down

"We have a nasty habit of running into each other like this, witch." Aurora says. "How did you find me?"

"The artifact I stuffed you in was covered in your red hair after, so... that wasn't hard." Lizzie says. "But calling me a witch is reductive. A lot's changed since we last saw each other." She says, flashing her vampire eyes and fangs

"Wow. A Heretic then. How lovely." Aurora says. "Though unless you intend to kill me with kindness..."

"And we both know how much I suck at murder." Lizzie says. "Distraction, on the other hand..." She is cut off by Hope chanting a spell and breaking Aurora's neck

"Killing you is my job." Hope says


"What's your deal?" Lizzie asks as Hope chains Aurora up in a chair in a motel. "I thought you wanted to kill her."

"I will." Hope says. "Once I figure out what her plan is. I want to know why she's after the gods."

"Who cares?" Lizzie asks. "If she's dead, she can't find them."

"But somebody else could. And... like I keep telling people, I'd like to be left alone." Hope says

"Then why are you working with her?" Aurora questions and the two look over. "Sorry. I've been eavesdropping. But the question remains."

"You heard what she wants to know." Lizzie says. "What does the chicken scratch mean?"

"Oof. I know it's very important. I just can't seem to recall." Aurora mocks

"If she told us that easily, you wouldn't believe her." Lizzie says. "So we're gonna have to treat her like a hostile witness."

"The court agrees." Hope says. "How does the prosecution wish to proceed?"

"If it pleases the court, this could be an opportunity to continue my Padawan vampire training." Lizzie says. "Teach me how to head-dive her. I mean, God knows what's going on in there... hamsters running around on wheels, cobwebs, screws popping loose. But I'd level up my powers and you'd find out what she's up to."

"Oh. Sounds fun. Shall we?" Aurora questions, looking at Hope

"We shan't." Hope says

"Then, what do you have in mind?" Lizzie asks

Hope steps towards Aurora. "You stand accused of stealing my body, blaspheming my family name, and... well, for being a relentless bitch." Hope says

"Guilty as charged." Aurora says. "But no matter what punishment you think of, little bird, I'm not telling you anything."

"Mm-hmm. We'll see." Hope says. "Take that daylight ring off her finger." She tells Lizzie

"Hope." Lizzie tries

Sadie Auburn //Book Four// - Legacies (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ