Into The Woods

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3rd Person POV

"E, what are you doing?" MG asks as Ethan gets dressed in his room

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting ready to train." Ethan says

"Not after what happened last night." MG tells him

"I'm feeling a lot better." Ethan promises

"But you can't be using your powers until we figure out what's wrong with you." MG says

"MG, I think you're overreacting a little bit." Ethan says, standing up

"You just phased out of your sneakers." MG points out and Ethan looks down

"Okay. Maybe I'm under-reacting." Ethan says. "The last time I got benched because of an injury, I lost my entire future, not to mention all of my friends."

"E, that was football." MG reminds him. "The game that we're playing has much higher stakes, and I need you for it at 100%, okay?"

"Then what's our plan to get him there?" Lizzie questions, pulling Sadie into the room with her. "Sorry, but also not sorry because vamp hearing is kind of awesome."

"Why are we here?" Sadie asks Lizzie

"Lizzie, I got this, and you both should be resting." MG says. "Even Hope is..."

"Vamp healing is even more awesome, so while I'm glad Hope is getting her beauty sleep, I am back in the game." Lizzie says. "And that game is apologizing for all of the stupid things I did, including going after a god without you. You must be pretty mad at me, huh?" She asks MG

"Not at all." MG says

"I don't buy it, but it doesn't matter because my dad told me that the best way to make amends is to listen to what people need, and here you are, clearly in need of help fixing Ethan's powers." Lizzie says

"Look, I-I appreciate the offer, okay, but I'm gonna go hit the books alone." MG says

"Don't bother, because you know what all those books are gonna tell you?" Lizzie says. "Is that you need magic. And did I mention, as a Heretic, I can do that, too?"

"Sadie has magic." MG points out

"Blonde Squad is a package deal." Lizzie tells him

"Do you actually think that you can fix whatever's wrong with me?" Ethan asks

"I do. What say you, MG?" Lizzie asks


"That thing is weird as frak." Sadie notes, looking at the Pukwudgie as Lizzie puts a collar on it

"I think he's cute, but I don't see how this collar or this monster's gonna help us with our Ethan problem." MG says

"Well, the way I see it, the Pukwudgie... which we should probably give a name, so we don't have to keep saying that, has the same powers as Ethan, right?" Lizzie says. "So, we can gather data using this device, that I've magically enchanted. Hence why you needed my help."

"What kind of data?" Sadie asks, crossing her arms and looking over at Lizzie

"Every time the Pukwudgie... there's that word again... phases, this collar will track the distance and frequency of its jumps." Lizzie says. "That way, we can know how far and how often he uses his powers before he runs out of juice, like Ethan. And, therefore, how long they both need to rest in order to recover."

"Makes sense, but how do we get him to phase?" MG asks

"That's where you come in." Lizzie tells him. "Chuck this bad boy as far as you can." She says, handing him a tennis ball

Sadie Auburn //Book Four// - Legacies (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now