Was This The Monster You Saw?

Start from the beginning

"They're at a bakery getting a cake... for Dr. Saltzman." Kaleb says, sitting back down

"You're a Muse." Hope says, training her gaze on Cleo. "Why don't you inspire a halfway decent question?"

"I am no longer capable of using my powers." Cleo whispers

"Okay, well, then I guess that brings us back to Kaleb's demand." Hope says. "To which I'm gonna say you all can suck it because I'm not going anywhere. Act now if you want to save Lizzie from herself. Did I not mention that she's working with an ancient and mentally unstable vampire? Oh, guys, come on, you used to be so willing to help when I had my humanity. You and this world need me, because once again, you know nothing about the gods."

"We know more than you think." Jed speaks up. "We actually met Aurora before. And, uh..." He gestures to Ben next to him

"Who's the new guy?" Hope asks

"I'm quite ancient, actually." Ben answers. "And the gods you speak of are my extended family. I know them all too well."

"Well enough to talk them into leaving me alone?" Hope asks

"Doubtful." Ben says. "They did curse me, after all. But I can provide much useful information."

"Hmm. If only everyone else was as accommodating as you are." Hope says, walking over to him. "Let's talk about that curse of yours."

Sadie listens from the stairs, rushing to follow Hope as she storms out of the room after the verdict

"They said no." Hope says

"What?!" Dr Saltzman questions, him and MG in the hallway

"Yeah, you heard me." Hope tells him. "You know, if you were so concerned about your daughter, then you should have taken matters into your own hands, like I told you to. But it's okay, because I did." She says

"Hope, what did you do?" MG asks

"Something not very good." Sadie answers

"She's right." Hope says. "I pulled this bracelet off of Ben, and I broke it." She says, holding up the broken bracelet. "Which means something very scary should be making its way to the school, probably as we speak."

"That's only gonna make things worse." MG tells her

"Exactly." Hope agrees. "Maybe once your stubborn little Squad realizes that they can't kill a run-of-the-mill monster without me, they'll take my deal. And hopefully none of them or Lizzie die before they do."


"Sadie, calm down." Dr Saltzman tells Sadie as she paces the floor

"I can't!" Sadie exclaims, looking down at Jed who is injured. "My alpha is injured!" She exclaims

"We're going to figure it out." Dr Saltzman promises her

"Father." Jed whispers in his sleep

"Oh, boy. Daddy issues." Hope says. "That's never good. Trust me. I think it's time that you man up and jam my proposal through the Super Squad Senate, because if I don't kill this monster, Jed's only gonna get worse."

"Describe what attacked you again." teDr Saltzmanlls Ben

"It was terrifying." Ben says. "Unlike anything I've ever seen before, and I've seen my fair share of monsters. I would have let it consume me, but I had to get Jed back."

"Good thing you did." MG says, walking in with Wade who has a book. "Help has arrived. With a big swing. Is this the monster you saw?" He asks as Wade opens the page up to a clown picture

Sadie Auburn //Book Four// - Legacies (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now