2- Overhaul

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Kai Chisaki and Twice make their way towards the League of Villains' new hideout.

"The air around these parts is practically made of dust" Kai coughs as he looks around, "it's going to make me sick".

"The guys in here have been sick for a while" Twice says as the two of them approach the entrance to the warehouse.

Twice opens the door and walks in happily as Kai follows behind him, only for the door to close behind him. The whole group of the League of Villains apart from Dabi watches as he enters.

"Well now Twice, you brought us a pretty big catch huh" Shigaraki says as he leans forwards.

"You think so? That's strange coming from you" Kai says as he scratches the back of his neck, "wow, the League of Villains".

"What gives?" Magne asks as she grips onto her magnet, "is this guy famous or something?".

"My father showed me a picture of you. He's what you'd call a yakuza, Magne. He's the young head of the Shie Hasaikai. To what do we owe this pleasure?" Shigaraki asks, entertained by the fact that the head of a large organisation has come to him.

"The number head of a large organisation huh? I've never seen anyone like you before. You smell dangerous, this is so exciting" Magne says as she sits down on a wooden box.

"What's the deal? We're all criminals so why is he so different from us?" Toga asks as she looks up at Mr Compress who sat on the box above her.

"Let me entertain you with a story" Mr Compress says as he looks down at the beaming blonde below him, "in the past, there were many different scary groups who ran the underworld. After heroes started to strive, they slowly but surely started to disband. And when All Might came to light, their era was over. The yakuza survivors who weren't caught became rent-a-thugs for villain groups. In other words, they were the lowest form of criminal, barely scraping the pan to survive. They're obsolete, an endangered species".

"Endangered species" Kai chuckles to himself, "I guess that's true".

"So what's a yakuza thug from the slums doing here? I guess you're excited about All Might's retirement as well" Magne says as she looks at the short brunette with the beak mask.

"It's good that he's gone sure, but I'm more interested in All For One's absence and his successor, Kokoro Yagami" Kai says as Shigaraki rests his head on his palm, his elbow places upon his knee, "the dark emperor who rules over the shadows and his daughter who harnesses a relatively similar power. The old timers always feared All For One, even after his death. The whispers of him bearing a child never grew silent and of course they were true. He had a daughter with the same power as him. Most people my age thought that it was all urban legends until a student showed up at U.A. with multiple quirks and immense power. You can imagine the shock when I found out All For One wasn't dead and the U.A. student turned out to be his biological daughter, a daughter of wields the power of All For One. In the end, the big bad was thrown by his own daughter and his daughter stood up and said she would become a hero. That means those of us in the shadows and those in the light are both leaderless. I wonder who will step up to take their places".

"You know who my master is but you still have the nerve to ask me that" Shigaraki chuckles, "that sounds like a challenge. I'm the next leader, even now I'm gathering my troops. And once my darling little sister comes to her senses and realises she's more suited to being a villain, my plan will be complete and the two of us will rule".

"Ah yes, I forgot that you are the only son and the older sister of All For One and his successor" Kai says as he looks at Shigaraki.

"Our numbers will continue to increase" Shigaraki says confidently, "with our combined power, hero society will turn to dust".

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