Part 92 - Female D-class Reader x Male MTF

Start from the beginning

- Why didn't you do it then?

- Nobody will believe a guy from Chaos Insurgency, that Foundation is evil. You, on the other hand, escaped from them and have a chance to prove it. Run as quickly as you can, there is nobody in the area to stop you.

Having said that, he gave me some money to book a hotel room, and then went to the facility to continue his "job". Without hesitation I sprinted into the forest and ran for over twenty kilometers, before I finally lost all of my energy. I booked a hotel room for myself for one week, and began planning, how to expose an organization like them, and with that thought, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I took a shower and went for a breakfast, where I sat in a corner in completely new clothes, as class-D suit would be easy to recognize. While I was eating, I felt somebody put a gun on my head and ordering me, to quietly go back to my room. I did as he said, and hoped he was also from Chaos Insurgency, but my luck limit must have ended, because he was from those, from whom I tried to escape.

I hoped I would survive this, and I expected him to ask me about how I escaped, but I immediately got my answers before I asked.

- Before you ask, no, I am not a traitor like that other guy, I am loyal to them. - He spoke without any emotions.

- How... How did you know... - I tried to say something, but I was unable to create anything.

- Oh, do you remember that guy who was asleep on the cameras? He was just pretending, while in reality, he has been watching you all this time.

- So even at the beginning...

- We knew everything. This traitor is already dead by the way, he agreed to drink a poison in order to restore at least a small bit of his honour when we revealed the truth to him.

- And you want me to do the same...

- The choice is yours. Either that, or I can put a bullet in your head.

- People saw you in the dining room! You won't be able to get away with this murder!

- Oh please... Our IT staff hacked and turned off the cameras, while my friends amnesticated everyone, who saw us together. When I leave, nobody will know who did that.

- You guys truly are monsters... - I spoke with fear.

- You know... Y/N, that was your name? You don't have to answer. Due to an agreement which we made with SCPs, we also began observing class D personnel with hope, to re-educate some of them and put them back in society. You were so close... So close to getting a note, that you would be free from this place, and you have decided to waste it...

- You are lying! - I screamed at him. - You guys don't give a shit about our lives!

He didn't say a word, but instead pulled out a sheet of paper and gave it to me. It was an order from a director to release me from class D personnel and release back to society under a new name. They wanted to give me a second chance in three more weeks, and at this moment I realised how much I fucked up.

- Do you still think that I was lying? - He asked me with a small smile.

I didn't respond, while tears began flowing to my eyes. I sat on a chair and began sobbing, as he pulled out few more papers.

- We interviewed this traitor, and he told us you were willing to reveal our existance to the entire world. Why?

- I... I wanted to get my revenge. Revenge for all these times when 035 forced me to put on a maid dress, while your guards didn't react at all! For everything that happened in that facility!

- You know, you were one of the most favourite D-class members among the guards. You were always cooperative, always listened to orders, so I still cannot understand your motivation.

- I also wanted to reveal the truth to humanity. I wanted to end this once, and for all! I wanted to expose, what all governments were truly hiding.

- And you think it would work, because...?

- Because all media would be talking about it?

- Oh, Y/N... - He started laughing. - Have you heard of Ennui Protocol?

- No?

- Let me tell you about this then. Nobody knows how exactly it works, nobody knows anything about it, but what we know, is that only O5 council can use it with all 13 members agreeing to to this, and that it removes any piece of memory or proof, that something existed in the past. If you exposed us, we would use it in order to remove this memory from all minds across the world. Society would never know, that it happened, as all recordings, pictures, videos, memories, would be erased instantly.

- But... Why? Why don't you want to tell them the truth?

- Because... Ignorance is strength. If society finds out, most of them will freak out. Like, if they realise there is an impossible to kill reptile somewhere in this world, this world will turn into chaos.

- You are not wrong... - Unwillingly I agreed with him. - They would indeed freak out.

- That's why we keep our existance hidden. Now, returning to your case... You know the rules, and so do I...

- Say goodbye... - I spoke with sadness knowing, what had to be done.

- Maybe not a goodbye... Like, normally I would just put a bullet in your head, but I am willing to give you a chance. If you come back with me, then I will make sure you won't be killed, and furthermore, I will make sure you won't enter 035's chamber again.

- And if I don't agree, then I will get shot...

- See? You are a smart girl Y/N! But you forgot about one thing. If you prove yourself again, so no escaping... We will gladly release you from class D personnel. So, what will you say?

I knew I didn't have any other choice, but considering that I wouldn't have to deal with that pervert 035 again, I was willing to accept it, and after one hour I was sitting in the same facility, from which I escaped. There was one good thing though. I got a slightly bigger cell, and a TV, so maybe it wouldn't be that bad this time...

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