Chapter 5

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~ Hunter & Ella ~

"Ella? Where are you?" He asked as he heard footsteps in the main hall.

"Hey little H," A dark voice answered from the shadows.

"Jackie, why are you here and what did you do to Ella?" He asked narrowing his eyes, taking a cautious step forward.

"Relax, little Prince I didn't do anything to little E, well not yet... I just arrived and you are the only royal I have found so far."

"Oh, ok well that is only answering one question," He said, placing a hand on his sword handle.

"I am here for what Marcus and I wanted."

"Like I told you last time we do not know where the Lovenina Princesses are, and we never agreed on finding them for you!"

Snarling he ripped the sword from his waist and swing at the air where Jackie was just at.

"Oh, I see well then in that case!"

Jackie slowly started to squeeze her hands in a tight, forceful movement stabbing her nails into her palm.

Hunter dropped to his knees as he felt all his air leave him, while she stared at him chanting, increasing the strange movement.

"You are a failure just like your parents," Jackie mocked as she watches him fight unconsciousness.

"THAT IS ENOUGH JACKIE!" Ella growled, teleporting in front of her cousin.

"E-lla," He croaked as he struggled to stand with Jackie distracted.

"Well, well, Ella Stone wants to intervene," Jackie snarled while, uncurling one palm, and summoning a fireball.

"You bet, Jackie River," Ella smirked, standing tall as she curled her hand around a potion bottle.


I know Hunter said to hide, but I decided to follow him... not because I am worried about him. I just wanted to see who these witches are.

Lucy hid behind a marble column, watching him as he seem to be in an intense conversation with what she is guessing is one of the witches.

How can he looked so amazing and handsome just standing there talking with his pearly whites, making that unsure smile. His spiky, dark hair makes his hazel eyes sparkle. His simple outfit shows off the tan abs through his's tight tee-shirt. Good thing I splashed mud on his leather jacket.


She forced herself out of the daydream as she heard someone fall.

Lucy stared in horror as she notice Hunter had fallen to his knees gasping for air as the witch mocks him.

Her heart was racing as she thought about rushing in there...Ella made up her mind when she appeared, distracting the witch, making her control on Hunter to end.


     "Good, he is catching his breath," Lucy sighed as she saw his chest slowly rising.

She thought the witch was finally going to retreat with it being two against one, but then another shadow appeared behind Ella.

Without thinking, Lucy screamed, "WATCH OUT ELLA!"


Ella glance into the narrow hallway and spotted Lucy thinking about charging in.

Oh, she better stay put.

The Lovenina Princesses: NEW Beginnings (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now