Chapter 4

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~ Everyone ~

"Alright, in Gemanina every royal bloodline has a gem or gems to protect from dark forces," Hunter explained to the girls.

"Aka witches," Ella added.

"They want to rule over all of Gemanina by taking all the kingdoms' gems that give royals their power, which keeps the balance of this world in order."

"Ella and I belong to the Space kingdom of Starina. We have two parts of the Star gems, like how you both have a piece of the Heart gem."

"Our kingdom is separated by a North and South side, each side has its own castle, but we still rule together."

"Other kingdoms have shared communities with only one castle and take turns on certain duties with ruling, however, you two are from the Stand-alone kingdom of Lovenina. The strongest kingdom that is located right in the middle of all the other kingdoms in Gemanina. Two queens ruled with their kings and shared one castle."

Rose looked down at her puny figure, Why am I part of the strongest bloodline I can barely deal with bullies without Lucy being around, I'm not strong or powerful. It must be a mistake.

"Hey, what wrong?" Lucy whispered, seeing how slumped and fragile Rose looked staring at her lap.

"N-nothing, just thinking." Rose declared, fixing her posture.

"You sure?"

"Yes, just taking in all the information." She whispered, before turning her attention back on Hunter.

"How many gems your kingdom protects is based on your kingdom status of power, such as if it is a powerful kingdom the royal protectors usually have the responsibility to protect two gems that are halves of each other."

"These halves make both protectors be able to share the power and increase spells with the gems unconnected or connected, while an in-between or weaker kingdom only protects one completed gem. Which only allows one protector at a time to use the special power and can only increase one-person spell."

"Sorry, I am getting off-topic about how you two are connected to all this...we've been looking for you girls, since we all got told the Lovenina Princesses would return when the people of Gemanina needed them the most, and after the Queens of Lovenina got captured many thought the princesses will make a comeback, however, no one had seen or heard anything for years. So, most kingdoms gave up and went into hiding waiting for the war to stop on its own."

Ella smiled, "But we never gave up and coward into hiding. We decided to look for the princesses hoping they will help us bring Gemanina back to its glory before King Raven took over."


"Shh, let him finish the story," Rose chuckled, covering Lucy's mouth.

"Your mothers were the last protectors of your kingdom gems, but I am guessing, because they got captured the gems showed themselves to you guys, to bring you here to help us."

"HUNTER!" Ella shouted.

"Oh, I am sorry—um when the gems show themselves to the next protectors it... um, usually means the old ones are gone." Hunter informed, twisting his's gem between his pointer finger and thumb.


"It is fine, we know our birth parents are probably gone—" Lucy replied, mimicking Hunter's movements.

Rose cut her off with a smile, "See you were not wrong we are princesses."

"Yeah, I how do we fight this King Raven?"

The Lovenina Princesses: NEW Beginnings (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz