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The power of four - The Harman siblings 🤩🤩

                     "You must be Ron?". Ronald Sullivan entered the Harman Manor with a smile. Madison was the one who opened the door.

                        "Nice to meet you." The other Harman witches watched as Ron introduced himself.

                    It had been two weeks and five days since they vanquished Carter. They had dealt with some demons after that ,all the while dealing with their own things while juggling spell mastering and practice all under the help of Stuart. It was pretty stressful if you had to ask the four Charmed Ones of the Harman Union.

               During the span of that time , they both got to know more about their respective parents , well Mia wasn't really interested in Victor , she just wasn't as curious like her older sisters about the guy to her their Mom was enough.

             When the sisters learnt Jamie had a boyfriend , they become naturally curious to meet him since Jamie has passed the offer of living with them because he had just settled in with Ron. He had explained that Ron grew up lonely and based on his emotions the other day , Jamie didn't want him to feel that as if he was deserting him .

                         Jamie did sleep over at the manor during the weekend, he had started working at the club Ron recommended him to . So sometimes , he shifted between rooming with Ron and staying over with the sisters , especially when they needed to study their powers.

                  So Madison decided to arrange a dinner meeting with Ron, though both Marley and Mia knew it was their sister's way of fishing out Ron. Both Harman sisters knew this routine, bring a boy over and Madison slowly judges them.

                     "Ron , this is my sister Marley and Mia," Ron shook their hands as Jamie introduced his sisters to his boyfriend. The only times he felt this nervous was when he came out to his Dad and the first time he ever brought Ron to him. Part of him was happy that his sisters wanted to meet Ron , but another part was just nervous.

                   "It's my pleasure to meet Jamie's beautiful sisters."  Ron said very in his perfect gentleman tone which Jamie seldomly heard , but loved very much.

                         Marley and Mia beamed at his impeccable manners , both impressed with their brother's taste . Madison however rose a impressed brow but kept a poker face; her gut wasn't settling with him.

                 "Pleasure is all ours."  Marley exclaimed.

               "Make yourself at home." Mia said with a big grin on her face as Maddie directed Ron to the dining room. While Marley followed the two , Mia looked around and placed her hand on Jamie's shoulder, knowing full well he would read her thoughts.

MY THREE SISTERS AND I - THE POWER OF FOUR (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now