Bully, Bully

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I hated Zac. Always taking his shirt off when he had the chance. Flexing his buff six pack. All the girls were in love with him. Heck I think I was the only girl in the hole school that hated him. I hated him because he was a bully mainly to fat kids like me but he hadn't gone for me yet. I didn't like muscles. No. I was more into big fat girls. Beautiful blobs of lard you could play with all day. I mean I was pretty fat too at 422 pounds. When I look down normally my shirt is only half covering my belly. Although I did play with own belly lots it just wasn't the same as a having a feedee to feed and love. Anyway nobody wants to hear about my antics you my friend want the story.

September 1st. Nothing really happened in the beginning of the first day back. We just sat around while the teachers listed what they expected from there new year 11s. I got to about period 4 no drama. But as lunch rolled into play stuff started to kick off. I was just walking out of the cafeteria. I had lots of food as always. I had just reached my normal spot wear I would sit eat and read a book or something like that I was stuffed full of food because I had eaten my hole lunch on the walk over. When Zac came out of nowhere not with his gang. But with what seemed to be half the school. He pinned me to the wall pressing himself against my belly slowly pressing up harder. Until the pressure got to much and my face went red because I had just farted the loudest fart I had ever done.

I looked up at him my cheeks red. He just smiled pushing in again and it happened over. I just kept farting. The hole school was laughing. I was fat and helpless. More students started coming over laughing at me. Fart after fart I couldn't hold it in and. Fuck! No! I felt it slide out filling my pants. I had just shit myself. And as soon as he smelt it he stepped back. Which was bad for me as it fell out of my pants onto the floor. I watched as everyone laughed louder and harder. I could hear lots of comments to like: what a pig or did piggy accidentally take a poopy woppy. I remember falling to my knees crying. Next I fell flat lying on the ground my face buried in the ground balling my eyes out. Another bad move as the wind blew up my skirt revealing my pink underwear and other half of my shit.

I was promptly sent home and Zac was suspended for a week. Thou it didn't really help as I had now gained the name poopy pig. Everyone called me it. It was hey poopy pig this or hey poopy pig that. All the people I considered friends left me and now called me by that ridiculous name. I was truly all alone.

My mum had died when I was just a baby leaving me with just my father. Thou he always had business trips so I never saw him. When I was young he would hire nanny's but the problem was they were all different so I never got to know any of them properly. But now I just lived by myself all the time he was away. Now because of this the only contact on my phone was my dad which I hadn't used in 7 mouths. I was kicked from all the group chats I was in. But I still kept them just in case I was added back. But I never was.

This cycle went on for months. Everyday I was bullied by Zac. He was really bad. The worst thing he did was had four of his biggest mates pin me to the wall, then he took off my shirt leaving only my bra to cover my chest, then he grabbed my fat and started acting like the fat he grabbed were people it's was so humiliating. It made me stress eat and soon I was 500 pounds and none of my shirts fit. I had to go to school with my full belly on show. And now even some of the teachers called my pig or piggy.

But all this changed. I was scrolling through the internet when I saw something amazing. Female juice. I went to there website immediately an evil plan hatching in my mind. The description said any male to drink this will slowly become a female. The process will take place after 6 hours, the side affects is that the new female will actually fatten faster we are trying to fix this problem so stay safe. This was perfect. I know I should have thought it fake but I didn't think for a second and bought it immediately. It was 400 pounds well spent to me.

Now how was I gonna pull this off?

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