Chapter Two

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As Ghostbur and Ranboo were walking alongside the train tracks, they talked about how they could find Mumza. They had a few ideas, but when they tested some of them out, they didn’t work too well. They had tried going through doors that they’d found but the doors always led the two into another train platform that was nearly identical . The only differences they could noticeably see was how the door looked. At first they were iron doors, but they are beginning to look… odd. They currently look like a warped wood door but instead of teal, it’s a deep purple with a black and golden handle.

Ranboo tried to open the door but Ghostbur had told them not to, in case something bad were to happen so, he didn’t. However Ranboo felt that if they were to get any farther, they’d have to go through it.

Ghostbur had gotten quite restless after staying in the same area for a while. And a train had gone by a few hours ago, scaring him and Ranboo. Someone probably lost a canon life and had respawned a few minutes later. They had decided to open the door—just a tiny bit— to see what was on the other side. He had not known what he expected to see-

He slammed the door shut when he caught a glimpse of a black feather that faded to dark purple that had a white speck on it. Like a night sky.

He knew someone who had wings like that.

They found who they were looking for.

They just had to go through the door.

Ghostbur didn’t know how she’d react when they walked through the door—

When he turned around, he saw a startled Ranboo looking in his direction, they were startled by the slamming of the door and looked over. It took a bit, but Ghostbur had told them about who they might’ve seen, and told Ranboo that they could go talk to the person if it was who he thought it was. If it wasn’t, then well; they’re ducked. Probably.

Ranboo had been the one to approach the door and to open it. They were successful in the action and had saw her immediately when they looked up—they had to bend down a bit to get through the door— she seemed a bit shocked seeing Ranboo, but when Ghostbur came through, she froze— Or, Death/Mumza had froze— she didn’t know about the revival and didn’t expect to see her oldest as a ghost, she fully expected to see him, but not as a ghost! And she didn’t expect to see the young enderman hybrid either. After a moment, mumza asked what they needed, and how they got there.

Ghostbur and Ranboo had both explained what they needed, and hesitated when they both explained *how* they got there. Not to the room they were in, but limbo. She agreed to help them the best way she could, and gave them (written) directions to a place where they could go. Ranboo had noticed how she looked, a bit confused and a little upset when they’d explained how they died—or in Ghostburs case; how Wilbur was revived.

They both had followed her directions and walked down a pathway for a while, and they had noticed that they were no longer on the train platform, and in fact, in a dark forest that had a very faint light at the end. The more they walked, the brighter the light/s got. Ghostbur, who was in charge of the directions, looked back at them and noticed that all they had left to do was walk towards the lights they saw. Neither he or Ranboo really realized how long it would take to get there, or how the forest was starting to look more familiar with each step they took. Or how the faint pain they had when they died was starting to fade more each minute.

The light was getting closer to them as they went on their way, and it was starting to.. rain? It was raining, and the forest was lit up by the light they’d been going towards, and the both of them were completely unaffected by the rain. The light had a more defined shape now, it looked a bit like a house, except it was large and was too big to be a house, or a mansion even.

But then-

The two of them realized where they were. It wasn’t a big mansion, or a house—

It was the prison. They weren’t in limbo anymore?

They walked themselves out of limbo and they were back—but they were near the prison?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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