The adrenaline was replaced with exhilaration as he stepped through the doors of his bedroom, wandering eyes finding the hunched figure on the couch that was situated by his wall. Taehyung had a blanket wrapped around him as he sat there, hugging his knees to his chest. He glanced up as soon as he sensed Yoongi's presence.


It took every thread of his control to stay put and not rush to the other alpha. He looked so lost and vulnerable, drowning in his huge blanket. His blanket.

"Sorry," Taehyung mumbled. "Didn't want to be alone." He looked down at his feet. "Just needed—"

"Wanted to feel safe," Yoongi finished, remembering how Taehyung associated his scent of rain to safety. A foreign emotion balled in his chest but so did pride. His mate came looking for him.

Taehyung nodded subtly. "I-I can leave if you want." The voice was so low, barely audible if it wasn't for his werewolf senses. "I don't want to be a bother."

"You're never a bother to me, Taehyung." Words rushed out of his mouth before he could stop. "You can take the bed. I'll take the couch."

Taehyung's eyes widened considerably. His mouth opened and closed as if he was at loss of words.

Yoongi forced a smile, swallowing his nervousness. He didn't know if it was right or wrong. Taehyung hadn't given him a concrete answer yet, but he hasn't rejected any of the little presents he left for him. He already had his parent's blessings and even Jimin's. If he didn't he wouldn't have gotten his jacket for Taehyung's nest, would he?

The alpha wondered if there was anything else that could be louder than that action. A nest was sacred, but he never knew of an alpha who built a nest. Perhaps it was as important to Taehyung as it was to an omega. His safe space. Who was Yoongi to judge? He was just one smitten alpha, who felt like a fool to have rejected Taehyung's advances in the first place.

He cleared his throat. "Blankets and pillows are on the lower shelf in my closet." He gestured his head through the door adjacent to the bathroom. "It's through there."

Taehyung's gaze flicked to the said door and the subtle raise in his refreshing peppermint scent was all the response he got.

" need a shower," Yoongi announced, deciding to give the alpha his space. "Make yourself comfortable."

He had to force his legs to move and growl at the stupid wolf who wanted to go to Taehyung instead. He was already pushing his luck by subtly asking him to build a nest in his room, on his bed. That image alone made him go weak in his knees.

Honestly, shower was the last thing that was in his mind but he needed to get away before he did something foolish. Yoongi hurried to the closet, pulling the first pair of clothes he saw and rushed to the bathroom. The shower was short but restless.

Most of the time, Yoongi snapped at his wolf to shut it. His wolf was clawing at his chest to go to Taehyung. Taehyung might need time and he didn't want to rush him. So he stood under the water until his skin had pruned and the water turned cold. Only then, he stepped out.

When he entered the room again, Taehyung was on his bed. His heart almost beat out of his chest with how excited he was. His petrichor scent bloomed involuntarily. If he was in his wolf form, he would be wagging his tail and howling to the moon. He cleared his throat and tried hard to not stare. But he couldn't help it.

Taehyung looked so soft and cuddly, sitting in the middle of his bed as if he was waiting for him. He had grabbed some extra blankets and pillows, roughly arranging it on the bed to make it more comfortable, but it wasn't a proper nest. Yoongi knew this because he had seen how cozy and inviting Taehyung's actual nests were. This was a stripped down version of what he usually did, but the alpha would take what he got.

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