Chapter 9

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(I do not know how the schools in Australia look like or what happens in the year 8 so I will just use my own experiences from year 8, aka, 8th grade.)

Jordan's point of view

"Jordan, princess, it's time to get up for school." Someone said and I groaned, ignoring their attempts to wake me up. "J, it's time for school. I know it sucks but you have to go."

"Let me drop out and become a drug dealer," I mumbled and he laughed. He yanked the blanket off of me and I curled up into a ball.

"Does anyone wear shirts to bed anymore or what? Jesus christ." He said and I pulled the blanket over me again. "No, go get dressed. Ashton is cooking you breakfast. You better hurry up before he finishes."

"Urgh fine," I groaned and sat up, causing him to pat my head as if I was a dog. I practically growled at the action and he pulled his hand away.

"Go get dressed." He said and I nodded. I heard the door open and close and I sighed. I really have to pee. So, I went to the bathroom and did my business. When I finished, I washed my hands and my face.

When I was awake, I brushed my hair out and then left it down. I grabbed my contacts and then put some in because there was no way I was going to school with my glasses. I look like a moron with my glasses.

I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, my Pierce The Veil shirt, and a pair of my black and white converse. I threw the outfit on and then grabbed my backpack. I slung it over my shoulder and then went to my desk.

I opened my jewelry box and grabbed my yin and yang necklace and then put it on. I put in my black circle earrings and then stuffed my phone in my back pocket.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and took a seat at the table. "Morning sunshine." Michael said and I grumbled out a greeting. "Someone not a morning person?"

"You have absolutely no idea." I said and bit my lip where my piercing should be. "I despise early mornings." I told him.

"Same." He said and took a drink of whatever he had in his glass. Knowing him, it's some fruit juice, alcoholic beverage, or hot tea. He doesn't drink coffee.

"Good morning." Ashton chirped and I sighed. Is everyone in here a morning person or are they all faking? There is no way these boys have happy mornings like this. Especially on a Monday.

"Stop being so happy, it's the ass crack of dawn." Someone yawned out and I agreed as Ashton set a plate of eggs and toast in front of me. I thanked him and he just nodded.

I took a bite of my toast and then leaned back as I closed my eyes. "Oh don't you dare fall asleep missy. It is hell to wake you up and I am not going to do it again." Calum's voice sounded.

"I'm not." I said as I munched on my piece of toast. "I'm merely enjoying this toast. How did you know I loved strawberry jam?" I asked.

"I didn't. It's just Chelsea likes strawberry jam on her's so..." Michael said and I nodded. "We didn't know if you'd like vegemite so we used that."

"I don't, thank god its not on my toast. Last time I ate it, I threw it up." I said and opened my eyes as I wiped my hands on a napkin.

"You are no longer my kid. You can move in with Michael's girlfriend." Ashton told me and I just laughed. "Vegemite is my life."

"Your life sucks." I told him and then pushed my eggs around. I dipped them in tye ketchup and then ate some. "Who's going to pick me up?" I asked aftet I swallowed.

"I am." Luke said and I nodded. "Everyone else had business to attend to." He told me and I nodded again. "Calum has a seperate interview, Michael has song-writing again, and Ashton has a meeting with management."

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