"I need you to trust me."

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you're a real dick, Toki," she retorted back before quickly smacking his backside with both hands, smirking up at his little embarrassed reaction, his cheeks now fairly flushed.

Dammit, kinda hard not to react when your crush since childhood just literally smacked your ass. Well, they were comfortable enough with each other to do that, but man, it was hard not to just pick (Y/N) up now in the middle of the street and shower her with kisses. A little more on that story later on.

"This is my nice side, but if you want me to be a dick, I can be," Samatoki huskily warned as he bent down and got a little closer to the girl's face, an almost menacing smirk on his face.

However, it almost made the dual color haired girl laugh as she kept the same smirk on her own face, her red nailed hands now rest on the yakuza boy's waist.

"I don't think that'd be a very good idea on your part," the (h/c) and white haired girl responded.

And the way her eyes seem to gleam like that of a predator's just made her point more valid as Samatoki couldn't help but to sweat a little bit under her sudden sharp gaze.

"You're right. I might like you a little too much," he admitted with his confidence still etched all over his face.

To (Y/N), her fellow yakuza member always played all cool and cocky. Sometimes she got really annoyed by it, other times the dual color haired girl was completely enthralled with it. Any girl would be, but she was kind of not kidding when she said that Samatoki could be a real dick when he wanted to be. That included towards women too, which was kind of handy for him. However, though the two teens bickered like crazy at times, their friendship was really tight and it was clear that they both cared a lot about each other.

"So, you wanna tell me why you asked Fukunaga and some of the other medics to stand by for this huge fight between Toman and Valhalla?" The silver haired boy asked as he kept the girl's face in his hands.

The Hell's Angel's smirk soon dropped as she stayed quiet for a couple of moments before averting her eyes for a second.

"Well...call it a hunch, but I just want them there in case something happens. Don't ask me how, I just have a gut feeling," she answered.

Like she had told him, (Y/N) just had a feeling in the pit of her gut that something was going to happen. It was much like what she felt whenever she had her weird dreams, and she knew better than to ignore that feeling. Samatoki noticed the change in her demeanor too, and he had heard about these so called weird dreams that she had been having.

And she had just had another one the night before, this one actually resulting in her waking up with tears running down her face, a panic attack on the rise. However, the dual color haired girl was able to calm herself down before it got any worse.

But her silver haired friend could see her eyes had been just a little bit bloodshot when they had met up earlier that day, and it was still a little visible now even with the sun setting. Not to mention, the girl wasn't acting as perky as she usually did, even if she did crack a few jokes here and there.

Samatoki didn't want to pry, but he also wanted to do something to help her if he could in any way. Rubbing his thumbs on her cheeks, that caught (Y/N)'s attention as she looked back up at him.

"Alright. Well, nothing's gonna happen to you. Not while I'm around," he assured as he quickly leaned down and pecked her forehead.

And while it was a quick little smooch, the yakuza member kept his mouth and nose gently gently pressed against her forehead, his thumb lightly running over the slightly raised skin on her cheek from her scar. The dual color haired girl blushed a little bit, but it quickly went away when she tried to look up in order read what Samatoki was thinking. But she wasn't able to, however, judging by his long sighs through his nose, his breaths tickling her head slightly.

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