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It's the year 221 and a mother and daughter have been travelling through the scorch for five months. The girl was taken by WCKD at the age of seven. Shoved into group B with her twin brother. Her title was subject 22, the huntress. It was assumed that her name referred to her innate ability to sense the grievers. At eleven, her parents managed to get her out of the maze, they didn't get time to save her brother. They were later attacked by cranks, her father didn't make it.

Her arms burning, the small girl pulled herself up another few inches, readjusting her grip on the ivy that hung from the gargantuan concrete walls. She could hear her mother struggling up the wall behind her, the sun scolding her back and the buffeting wind made it difficult to sense anything else. That's why she was shocked when her fingertips reached up only to find empty air. The girl glanced up to see that she had reached the top of the wall. She lowered her hand to grip the edge and hoisted herself up onto the top of the wall. She flopped onto her back and breathed a sigh of relief, tears streamed down her face and she called to her mother.
"Mama! We made it!" The small girl hollered, as her mother groaned, hauling herself onto the five meter wide ledge. The older woman smiled at her daughter's joy. They shared the same dark hair and fine boned features, carbon copies. But her mother's face was twisted with pain and as she drew back her sleeve, her daughter knew why. Ameira Black had been bitten. The blackened veins and rotting skin branched out from the bite, signally that it was at least a day old. The girl ran to her mother, tears of happiness turning to sobs of grief as she clutched at her mothers clothing, knowing she couldn't be saved but not being ready to lose her.
"It is okay sinta, my time has come. I just wish it were not so soon." Her mother hugged her daughter to her chest. "You are destined for great things sinta. Stay here until you are old enough, one day you will save your brother, you will save Aris. Until then, grow strong, trust no one, do not let the people from the centre see you, the grievers are your friends, and remember that I love you, my darling Isla, I love you." She stroked her daughters hair as the cried together, a tangled huddle of misery. The girl sobbed and screamed and shuddered.
"Goodbye sinta, you must let me go." The woman smiled down at her daughter as she released her, dropping the pack off her shoulders, and crawled towards the edge of the wall.
"Don't leave me mama! Don't leave me alone! I can't lose you too!" The girl screamed till her throat was hoarse but did nothing as her mother smiled sadly and rolled over the edge.

That was the day Subject 22, the huntress, Isla Heliwr Black, vowed vengeance on WCKD for taking her family from her. First her brother, then her father, and finally, her mother. At the age of eleven, Isla Black was an orphan, she had nothing except the ghosts of her past and the grievers in the maze to keep her company. So she found a way to live above the maze, and she was there long before the first glader arrived.

A/N: thanks for reading, I love Newt and had to write a fan fic so here it is.

A/N: thanks for reading, I love Newt and had to write a fan fic so here it is

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Subject 22, The Muffin Thief- A Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now